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Need help with mods


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I'm loving Skyrim (Legendary Edition) a lot, and for that end I want to make the game as perfect as possible.


I tried the unofficial patch, SKYUI and Jaxonz Positioner to make the game better.


Unfortunately it only made the game worse.



The main reason I started with mods and patches was because of placement issues (owned house would scatter placed objects all over the place).


But now it seems I opened up a whole other world of problems, from random crashes to quests that cannot be completed and book shelves that are worse than before.


I installed NMM, LOOT and TES5Edit. All are working but none are solving my issues.


Because of these problems I already started a new game, and lost a lot of cool items by deleting my old save.

Even this was of no avail, the problems persist.


So now i'm doing quite well in my new save but the problems just keep getting worse with every day.


My question is, who can I contact to help me sort this out?



I would gladly pay someone to sort this out and set up my game to perfection.

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from what I remember , the game's physics engine is tied to your frame rate , so this is a usual cause for flying objects

I think the solution is through enabling VSync and capping your frame rate , but it really depends on your setup (your monitor's refresh rate , the way your game is set up etc)

a simple search through google of "skyrim flying clutter" or something like that would easily find you plenty of threads on the matter , with various solutions (again , this depends on your setup , so you need to find the solution that works for you)


as for problems , please elaborate

are you installing mods through NMM or manually? which mods are you using? (please provide your load order , preferably in spoiler tags)

this will help us get a better understanding on the state of your game , but it would help if you could try and fix the physics problems and then see what other problems persist

and if you do , please explain which problems you are experiencing now

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It wasn't so much flying objects, I just found them on the ground after returning from a couple of quests.

So I had to pick them all up and put them back. Best solution I found for this was just keeping it all in a chest... Bit sad for these hard earned and sometimes beautiful items.


Also with weapon racks I had some issues with weapons falling off or moving a bit.




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The mods I just download from the site, copy to my desktop and then I let NMM find it.

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it appears that the weapon rack glitch is also a rather known one (although it's the first time I've ever heard of it)

just google "skyrim weapons falling off rack" , I found several threads regarding this issue , and there are some suggested solutions there as well

so hopefully one of these will work for you


as for the objects , I can't think of any other cause for them to move around to the floor other than the physics glitch

usually when it happens , the object fly around and hit the walls and such , which also creates a lot of noise (so if it happens to you , you'll hear it even if you don't see it happening)

I believe there is a tool you can use to lock items in place , but I'm not sure if it's Jaxonz Positioner (I've never personally used any such tool in my game , but I was never really into decorating the ingame houses , and I made sure to prevent the physics problems before everything went flying around my homes) . not really sure if you can actually lock items in place or just move them around comfortably , but I'm really not that familiar with these specific mods , so you should look into it more yourself (unless someone can suggest a suitable mod for you)

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Your fps should be capped at 60fps.


Are you starting your game with SKSE? The reason I ask is you have SkyUI in your load order.


If that is all the mods you currently are playing with I see no reason that you should have any problems.


Might want to add your computer specifics on your next post.

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Trust me buddy I've been there. Sadly no one is going to swoop in and solve all your problems, logistically you're the only one who can, but that doesn't mean there's no help available.


I'd recommend watching some tutorials online to educate yourself.


Gopher's beginner's guide to modding skyrim


Gopher's guide to NMM


GamerPoet's Modding Skyrim: From start to finish


May the Force be with you.

Edited by SevenBlue
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  On 4/17/2018 at 7:17 PM, Furwave said:

hi there, i've downloaded SkyUI but when i execute "skse64_loader" it says "couldn't find SkyrimSE.exe" pls somebody help me :/


why on earth are you posting this as a comment , rather than opening a new thread for your issue?

I mean , the standard way would be to open a new thread for this issue , as it has nothing to do with the thread here

please make a new thread , we will be happy to try and assist you there

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