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Bard for home (Leveler;s Tower)


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I am running latest game patch and using leveler's tower mod and a few others. Id like to have a singing bard in my home that acts the same way they do at inns (taking song requests, playing on their own, etc) and have them stay in my home. I think this has something to do with a bardsandbox ai mod but not really sure.


I have tried using the player.placeatme command with a few npc bards, those either start walking back home to their original inn, or stay at my home but dont play. I have also tried adding the npc as a playable follower using the addfac command but they wont play.


Is there someway I can change the npcs ai to make them act as if my home was their regular Inn? I have the skyrim npc editor program but haven't been able to successfully change the ai to make this happen the way I'd like.


Any ideas?

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Well you need to create a new bard anmd I suggest using the CK for it, If you have a particular one from an inn you like you can duplicate it and place it in your new home. You will need the home to have a location set that has the inn flag on it and the proper factions on the NPC. If you duplicate one you will need to change some AI packs so they are for the new home and not the originals place.



Bard factions (first 3):



Example location:



If you want the bard to be a follower and sing anywhere then you will need "Not follower bards sing everywhere" file from the Female bard for you house by stsg mod:



Edited by jet4571
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Well I am able to create and place a bard in any location, and flag the interior location as an Inn. The bard will take song requests but for some reason I can't get the bard to play on his own. Is the sandbox ai package different for bards?


For the new bard under factions I have BardSingerFaction, BardSingerNoAutoStart, and JobBardFaction only.


The sandbox ai package looks like it has the same commands as other npc bards in taverns. Advice?

Edited by Keev
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Also ideally I am trying to place the bard inside leveler's tower but he doesnt show up. Anyone able to successfully put other npcs inside the tower? If so did you make it as a new esp mod or modify the active levelers tower mod?
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I dont have levelers tower so I wouldnt know if it has a problem. most likely you will need to open it in the CK and create the bard with levelers tower active and it will then be part of that mod.


To get the bard to sing on its own dont use the BardSingerNoAutoStart

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