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Last exit before F4SE: PIRAD 0.9.9 is out


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We (myself and BabyBearington) have been working on a more streamlined, more usable and more focused rewrite of our pet project


PIRAD - Plausible and Immersive RADiation.


Now, this is the first release that does everything we want it to and nothing it shouldn't, we think. The former releases had some undocumented and unfinished functionality that we decided to drop.


It's also the first release that is finished enough to come over to XB1, with some technical limitations. Thing is, we don't own an XB1 and are busy with other things, so someone would need to volunteer to maintain the mod on xbox. As in, import hotfixes that may come for 0.9.9, create different versions for weather integration and of course test on Xbox. The mod is licensed as Creative Commons so there's no permission issues. Please note the permissions section as there are exceptions.


We are looking for someone to either create a HUDFramework widget for us or teach us how to do that without commercial tools. When that happens we will fork the project and continue PC-only development with F4SE/HUDFramework dependency and MCM integration.


Otherwise, there will be a Horizon patch soon. Ish. After Horizon 1.5 releases.

Edited by payl0ad
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