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Opinions needed for Skooma mod


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Hey there Nexus, your friendly neighborhood modder here.


I'm planning on doing a Skooma overhaul and I'd love to know what features that community would like to see in such a mod.

No ideas are bad, the stranger and more unusually specific the better! Please respond and let me know what you want to see!

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Major movement boost and weapon speed but you become delusional - weird creatures and people start appearing from puffs of smoke and start attacking! But not just one once in a while - the effects of the skooma will last over an hour (real life, not in-game) and multiple attacks happen every minute or 2!

Good luck :D

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A few ideas:


Addiction with included major withdrawal effects: serious imod effects (blurry, maybe purple tint?) plus effects like possibly random frenzy-like effects. Cure of withdrawal effects requires a special potion. Maybe require a quest to get the recipe for the withdrawal cure.

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Major movement boost and weapon speed but you become delusional - weird creatures and people start appearing from puffs of smoke and start attacking! But not just one once in a while - the effects of the skooma will last over an hour (real life, not in-game) and multiple attacks happen every minute or 2!

Good luck :D

Speed increase is a staple of Skooma mods, due to it having that effect in earlier games.


Hallucinations is an interesting ideas. I can see that being an effect of a particular, let's call it, strain of skooma. Hmm that does give me the idea of multiple strains of moon sugar actually. If one knows anything about marijuana then one knows what I'm talking about. (Not that the idea of plant strains is solely the domain of marijuana, but you get what I'm saying.)


The idea of it lasting an hour in real time is also an interesting consideration. I suppose the manner in which one ingests the Skooma will contribute to it's length. An hour is probably a little much for most players. But an MCM option to tweak the length of skooma intoxication shouldn't be too hard to cook up. (Once I understand the basic principles of course, I'm learning as I mod.)


But back to the random attacks, I could probably dissect the scripts for that from The Mind of Madness quest.


A few ideas:


Addiction with included major withdrawal effects: serious imod effects (blurry, maybe purple tint?) plus effects like possibly random frenzy-like effects. Cure of withdrawal effects requires a special potion. Maybe require a quest to get the recipe for the withdrawal cure.


Oh addiction will play a huge part, I'm looking forward to that, especially to the patches to make it compatible with needs mods. (RND, iNeed, and Last Seed eventually) Ideally I'd like to figure out a way to have longer periods of addiction result in harsher withdrawals. That stuff is addictive as sin so the game play should reflect that.


A cure quest is an interesting prospect I hadn't thought of! I still have vivid memories of doing the quest to cure my vampirism back in Oblivion. Something similar could be interesting.


I also recall reading on the uesp that removing someone's self hatred can cure their addiction. Although now that I'm typing that I'm wondering if that was Jet from FO.


Either way, a quest similar, again, to The Mind of Madness where the player confronts their demons in combat could be hella fun.






Thank you both for your ideas and input, I'll be sure to inform you when the mod is published!

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