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Finishers and/or Execution subtitute


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So, I've been owning a Vive for quite some time now and I have played many melee based games.

Gorn being one of them, there is a feature in Gorn where when an NPC is killed, time slows down for the player to dismember the opponent for about 2 seconds.


Since finishers don't really exist in Skyrim VR because...well, you know it's in VR, It'd be interesting to see a dismemberment mod where it is activated when the player finished the opponent with a heavy attack. Doing this will limit the use of the mod (because of stamina) making it pretty balance for players and the game.

If dismemberment our opponents won't work for a mod (which I highly doubt), adding an increase in knockback is also fine as a finisher.

Edited by Kazachi
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I was thinking about this the other day. Maybe a VR equivalent of a kill move would be some sort of notification (perhaps an audible "FINISH HIM") happens when an opponent is dead. The mod would essentially stun the opponent momentarily giving you a free shot to finish him off. You could make the free shot as spectacular as you are able because you would simply be doing your best Star Wars kid impression.




After your fine kill move performance your opponent dies in what ever fashion the game provides. Perhaps with some response to hit location. Decapitation for a neck strike or the doubling over animation for a stomach stab.

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