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Looking for 3D modeler/texturer to make some armor :)


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So I'm making a mod called the Dwemer Colosseum. For one of the main characters, I would very much appreciate an armor like this:



I have asked to use it and have received absolutely no response (after like 2-3 weeks).


I wouldn't mind having two sets of this kind of armor. One be unique (for the main character) and the other be common (for a new dwemer machine race that will actually just be an NPC with custom non-playable armor, like the order knights in shivering isles).


Anyone out there who can make my dream come true? <3


For the person who makes this happen:



Besides me dedicating this picture of the cookie for you, I will properly accredit you for it, and you also can post it up as an individual mod which you will have full control over. It is your creation after all!

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