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Head bangingly frustrating issue with "Much Ado..."

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My quest mod, Much Ado about Snow Elves, works perfectly for me and for many of the people who have downloaded it. Keep this in mind...


For some people, enough that it's a problem, it gets stuck at a certain point and I cannot for the life of me figure out why.


I will try to be concise about the particulars:


The mods uses 2 quests to work: The first quest is an "On Game Start" quest that looks for the player to have finished "The Lost Expedition", a vanilla quest given by Calcelmo of Markarth. A letter is sent via courier if and or when the player completes that quest. A script attached to the letter initiates the second quest. ALL this works fine for everyone. The courrier delivers the letter, the player reads it, Much Ado About Snow Elves flashes on the screen with the 'new quest' audio cue, and the player's first objective is displayed: Seek out Calcelmo to discuss the contents of the letter. Again, all that seems to happen for everyone.


For most people, the map quest marker will point at Calcelmo when the quest is selected in the journal, and he will have a new dialog option that really gets the quest going. For some people, though, neither of these things seem to work, Calcelmo is not tagged with a quest marker and he has no new dialog options.


I had a few people who were having the problem test a special script on that initialOn read letter script that checked if Calcelmo the Object Reference did not = Calcelmo the Alias in my quest. If so they would get a debug message... they did not get a message, which should mean that he is in fact getting loaded as an Alias.


I had a few people send me a complete list of the mods they were using. There were 2 mods that were matches between them, but one tester disabled both mods and did a clean save with mine installed and still no luck... same results. Both people had a lot of mods installed, but only the two matched.


Well, that's about the long and short of it. I'll be happy to post code snippets and pictures of forms if anyone thinks it would help them figure the problem out. Thanks in advance.




Edit: Here's another tidbit: With any and all updates, I have kept the same exact .esp name. Could that be causing problems for people who DL'd earlier versions?

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if you want my opinion. It isn't your fault :P This game is just FUBAR in some aspects. So many things work differently for so many people I can hardly wrap my head around why. And when mods are uninstalled, why did skyrim save tidbits of info to make them keep running...


I won't release a mod that is less than perfect because of the possibility of updating it causing issues.


Perhaps Cala-blabla has a high priority quest still using him, or one that hasn't been started officially, but is running quietly to keep open dialogue options for quests or etc.

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Thanks for the reply, Korodic :turned: .



I've pretty much decided to just re-do the whole damn thing from scratch and hope that makes it more solid. At least I can skip all the stuggling just to figure out how to do stuff this time. The .esp was started WAY back when the CK first came out, so there was a lot of learnin' in it.

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