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New to Nexus any 'must get mods?'


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Unequip arrows automatically, because why would you want arrows on your back when switching to spells or melee weapon?



Proper aiming in 3rd person view, corrects bug that Skyrim has with mouse cursor:



Proper length arrows, because original ones are unrealistically short, laying almost behind the fist when drawn:



Followers no longer walk stupidly and repeatedly in traps, aren't they meant for player mainly:



Shadow striping fix, is somewhat common visual bug especially in BreezeHome:



Then 1 optional mod is lush grass, to give the world the fantastic wild feeling:


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Somewhat connected to the OP question: Where are the awesome overhaul mods that were a must for older Bethesda games ? I remember OOO, MMM, FOOK and similar mods that completely changed ones perception of the game.. I didn't see any of those for Skyrim even tho months passed since CK was released.. The closest that comes to mind is Tytanis, but IMHO it' doesn't hold a candle to the before mentioned overhauls... Are they even being developed ? Did I miss those kind of mods while browsing ?
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