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Mountain Climbing


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My most wanted feature is to be able to climb up the mountain. I don't know anything about the nuts and bolts but I can describe how I'd like it to work gameplay-wise.


You are going up the mountain and you reach a slope that's too steep. Rather than making you run in place it should let you start to slowly climb up the surface using your hands.

I say it should automatically transition to the mountain-climbing mode if you hold forward against a steep cliff for more than 2 seconds.


*separate but related idea*

Then there could be a skill aspect to it too.

Say you've got a 20 skill in climbing. Perhaps that's enough to let you climb a 60 degree slope.

A 50 skill in climbing might equate to a 70 degree slope.

Then all the way up to a 90 skill in climbing allowing you to climb a 90 degree slope.

A 100 skill in climbing could let you climb an inverted slope (upside down).


*another separate but related idea*

To add an element of risk - let's say that if you're already climbing and you want to transition to a slope that's tougher than you're capable of climbing. Using my previous example - let's say that you're a 20 skill in climbing but you're trying to climb a 70 degree slope.

So what you could do is you could allow the player a chance to climb by giving them the option of using the jump key to 'force' their way up a cliff-face. The risk comes in because there'd only be a chance of success. If you succeed in your chance (hidden die roll) then you climb up a short ways. If you fail then you lose your footing and start to fall.



Well that's all. I love me some high res textures and improved guis and all that jazz but my number 1 missing ability is the ability to climb the mountain. Just sayin'

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