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The Art of destroying Life.


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I've never understood the need to kill. Though I've thought about accomplishing that feat on those who were responsible for causing others harm and hurt, but I don't think I could follow through. Even when I get into a physical fight, even when I was winning it, I always tried to finish it, without really hurting the other person. I guess I get let my elephant mouth overwhelms my pigeon chest, when I rant about hurting others.


i just wonder if people are so stuck on themselves or their causes, that they would violently remove anyone from the face of the world?


Should revenge or fear be any more a reason to kill than any other excuse?


Is the state any more able to justify removing a person from existence than a private citizen?


Is there virtue in taking a convicted person's life and would it be a matter of justice or a matter of revenge for the original transgression?

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Same. I don't get it. Even when I'm in fights, I don't want to hurt them too badly, I just want to send them the message, "Don't f*ck with me,". I'm also hardly ever the one that gets physical first, I only ever do it when they're attacking one of my friends.
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I've never understood the need to kill. Though I've thought about accomplishing that feat on those who were responsible for causing others harm and hurt, but I don't think I could follow through. Even when I get into a physical fight, even when I was winning it, I always tried to finish it, without really hurting the other person. I guess I get let my elephant mouth overwhelms my pigeon chest, when I rant about hurting others.


1) I just wonder if people are so stuck on themselves or their causes, that they would violently remove anyone from the face of the world?


2) Should revenge or fear be any more a reason to kill than any other excuse?


3) Is the state any more able to justify removing a person from existence than a private citizen?


4) Is there virtue in taking a convicted person's life and would it be a matter of justice or a matter of revenge for the original transgression?

FYI..parts three and four are already being discussed in the Death Penalty Thread....for the third time in two years, yours make four...sigh.


Are you going to differentiate between Killing and Murder because there is an essential difference between the two acts. When I read the topic title I was intrigued because I thought possibly we would discuss technique or artistic methods of accomplishing the act...which would be a droll change of pace. :whistling:

Edited by Aurielius
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No matter who is doing the killing if it is done as a series of events, the perpetrator refines his methods, so in a certain way, it is an art. Just one i don't agree with.

Even a single event can be an artistic endeavor..Ars Long Vita Brevis.

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I hate when people confuse murder with taking life. Murder is a legal term, with a very strict legal definition.


Not every killing is a murder, even when it is an illegal act.


I have not been in a fight since I was in college, and even then all it entailed was tackling a man armed with a knife, attempting to kill(this would have been murder, possibly capital) a friend of mine.


I have no intent of engaging in a physical confrontation and if one does not respect that desire, they will find themselves newly perforated.


Edit: Forgot a word.

Edited by Syco21
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I've never understood the need to kill


You wanna eat meat? You need to hunt prey and kill. And this basic hunting and killing instinct also let us protect our own breed. When a goon breaks into your home and wanna steal from you, maybee things which are necessary for your own survival, or harm you and your kind. What do you do? Hide? Wait for the police or someone else to protect you? No, you going realy mad, jump right out of the bed and disperse the goon all over your living room.

Every redblooded man has these instincts, they are the very base of our survival.



Even when I'm in fights, I don't want to hurt them too badly,

Then you never ever where in whats called a fight. Ever heart the term "Stomp you to the ground" ?


In our modern western society, we have a realy strange proportion to deadly violance. There is beheading everywhere on TV and Videogames but when i was fighting back a bully and choke him with my fists against his neck untill he passes out, i'am the bad guy. In England police don't carries Guns anymore but the criminals are pure predators.

Imagin, 100 years ago people where adults with the age of 16. When you called someone a dandy(fag) back in days, they would kill you. Insult and invective actions are a form of attacking someone and there is often a counter reaction of deadly force. And its good so. Iam mean this serios. Have you seen these teenage *censored*sters sometimes, just insulting or attacking random people in the streets? They beat old people to death in the subway or on braod daylight in the streets and all those "violance is bad, no killing please, be nice to each other" weaklings don't do anything to stop them when walking by. This makes me so mad. This dehumanisation of society, letting the predetors take the field. And there are my basic instincts come up, when i see such cases. Then i wanna kill a bully. Not because iam blood thirsty or so, but because my guts knew its the right thing to protect his prey, the little ones.

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I find I have rather confused feelings on this subject.


In some respects I have a fascination with military equipment and history, play tabletop and video games that simulate war and killing on a scale we cannot imagine, for war's sake, and read truly ghastly books. I shoot bows and guns, have a gun licence, and used to own a firearm. Yet I can count on the fingers of my right hand how many times I've hurt one of my fellow humans, and have never hurt an animal deliberately, besides mashing a few(a lot) of mosquitos.

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It's relatively easy to teach someone to kill, all that is required is to dehumanize the opponent to the point where the individual no longer sees them as equally human. In respect to killing it's only the first threshold that is difficult to cross, after that the moral Rubicon is already passed and becomes less of an issue. Not that it ( the moral conflict) ever goes away but the mind rationalizes subsequent acts. Murder on the other hand is something which I comprehend but not really understand the motivational underpinnings of.
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I've never understood the need to kill


You wanna eat meat? You need to hunt prey and kill. And this basic hunting and killing instinct also let us protect our own breed. When a goon breaks into your home and wanna steal from you, maybee things which are necessary for your own survival, or harm you and your kind. What do you do? Hide? Wait for the police or someone else to protect you? No, you going realy mad, jump right out of the bed and disperse the goon all over your living room.

Every redblooded man has these instincts, they are the very base of our survival.



Even when I'm in fights, I don't want to hurt them too badly,

Then you never ever where in whats called a fight. Ever heart the term "Stomp you to the ground" ?


In our modern western society, we have a realy strange proportion to deadly violance. There is beheading everywhere on TV and Videogames but when i was fighting back a bully and choke him with my fists against his neck untill he passes out, i'am the bad guy. In England police don't carries Guns anymore but the criminals are pure predators.

Imagin, 100 years ago people where adults with the age of 16. When you called someone a dandy(fag) back in days, they would kill you. Insult and invective actions are a form of attacking someone and there is often a counter reaction of deadly force. And its good so. Iam mean this serios. Have you seen these teenage *censored*sters sometimes, just insulting or attacking random people in the streets? They beat old people to death in the subway or on braod daylight in the streets and all those "violance is bad, no killing please, be nice to each other" weaklings don't do anything to stop them when walking by. This makes me so mad. This dehumanisation of society, letting the predetors take the field. And there are my basic instincts come up, when i see such cases. Then i wanna kill a bully. Not because iam blood thirsty or so, but because my guts knew its the right thing to protect his prey, the little ones.

Teenagers randomly killing the elderly? Where the hell do you live? That never happens around here. Anyway, what I meant was that I wanted to hurt them enough to make them not mess with me anymore but I wouldn't keep unnecessarily fighting them when I've won. On the spur of the moment I might just give them an extra kick or something when they're on the ground after I've won but not much else. I do rush into fights a bit though. I certainly wouldn't knock them out on purpose. I also wouldn't touch their neck unless they went for mine first. The stuff you are saying just sounds brutal...

Edited by shotgun188
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