FlashyJoer Posted April 16, 2018 Share Posted April 16, 2018 (edited) Hi all, Not sure where precisely to post this, but I am looking for the guidelines that govern what constitutes content that is allowable for the purposes of a hosted mod here at the Nexus Fallout 4 Mods. I have a very NSFW mod, nee complete game overhaul, that is hosted on another site. Now that it's nearing the end of it's beta development cycle and about to enter final release, I want to also create a SFW version that would be applicable for hosting here. Obviously, anything that references the four-play adult framework would be removed, so there would be none of those sorts of things in the clean version of the mod. For reference, I refer to the mod called RSE: Realistic Salacious Encounters. I wont link to it, Im sure you can find it all by yourself... In essence, I want to create a CLEAN version of RSE that features the game enhancing elements of RSE. These elements already exist as refined and completely functional features within my mod, so not looking for suggestions on how to do these things; simply stating it is obvious to me that they may need to be tailored to a clean, nexus safe, version:RSE's Combat Surrender: Player could potentially bribe hostiles into ceasing hostilities and releasing them, for a price in caps.RSE's Combat Surrender: Companion could potentially be kidnapped and sent to a hostile controlled cell (ala kidnapped settlers).RSE's Combat Surrender: Player is kidnapped and sent to a hostile controlled cell and must escape and re-collect their stolen gear/caps.RSE's Combat Surrender: Player or Companion could reduce the health of hostiles, forcing them to surrender and cease hostility.RSE's Combat Surrender: Outcomes - beaten, robbed, kidnapped, etc. No physical representation, just the actual outcomes.RSE's Basic Needs: Consumption of food / drink items causes player bathroom needs - squatting in the wilds or using toilets in settlement.RSE's Advanced Needs: My completely original Survival Mode replacement (preferred over survival mode by almost ALL who play with it).RSE's Ghoulism: Tied to Advanced Needs Radiation Sickness that eventually turns the player into a playable GHOUL.RSE's Hunting and Trapping: Based on food spoilage within Advanced Needs, player can build lures to hunt the larger predatory critters in the CW.RSE's Nemesis System: Tied to companion kidnappings that features Story Manager driven recurring random and narrative quests / encounters.RSE's Infamy System: Slightly modified, but using the core system to determine player's social standing and the consequences of a tainted reputation.RSE's Stalker System: For those atainted players, they could earn stalkers which could rob them, kidnap them, etc, while they sleep.RSE's Atonement and Redemption System: Tied to Infamy to assist the player with resolving their tainted social standing.RSE's Brothel System: Slightly modified so there would be no physical representation of sex (such as Hookers of the Commonwealth).RSE's Settlement Attacks: Tied uniquely to settlements with brothels, this custom created REScript would trigger massive brothel defense fights.In a nutshell, this is what I would like to leave in the CLEAN version. For those that have played RSE, you'll see how this would be completely lacking from the original, but to reach a wider audience, I feel the clean version is the way to go. So, given the outline above, can anyone with the knowledge either point me in the right direction to validate my wish for the modified RSE or if you have direct knowledge and can answer outright, that too would be most welcome. Many thanks! And for those who may have piqued interest at the prospect of RSE's Advanced Needs survival mode replacement, here are the details of what it entails, in a nutshell, as would be applicable for a CLEAN version of RSE (anything related to fourplay framework has been removed from this list). [Basic Needs Bathroom Requirements] Eating or drinking causes bathroom needs on the player. If in the wilds, player must squat to relieve themselves. Squatting is fully animated with sounds and fluid / solid emission. If in a settlement, player may build RSE toilets for use - includes general use and private use toilets. Toilets (four of them) include: Broken porcelain toilet and Institute toilet. Two general use, two private use. Basic Needs features three levels of use. Normal: Player strips to use toilets and sounds play. In the wilds, player strips completely, squats and anims/sounds/body waste occur. Quick: Same as above except player only removes item slots 33 (body) and 41 (torso armor). Immediate Needs: Player hits the hotkey and need requirements are immediately removed without anims/sounds/body waste.[Advanced Needs Respawn Controllers] Handled via sliders in the Advanced Needs MCM page. One slider controls length in days, for respawn. This is normal enemies and scrap items. The other slider controls cleared cell respawn. This is for cells with a BOSS (named) enemy in it. Once settings are changed and player exits MCM, the changes are reflected onscreen via notification. It is important to note, that players MUST NOT be in a cell in order for it to respawn![Advanced Needs Radiation Sickness] Radiation sickness now affects the player when they absorb too many rads. Rads are accumulated by all normal FO4 standards. Total Rads absorbed to become sick is alterable via MCM slider. Radiation sickness debuffs the player with -2 STR and reduce movement speed by 50%. Radiation sickness also has visual representation of vomiting with placed vomit in the worldspace. Recovery from radiation sickness via vanilla anti-rad consumable items. Recovery requires player to lose 75% of the rads it took to make them sick. IE: If it took 400 rads to become sick, player needs to lose 300 rads to recover. Radiation Sickness can now lead to the player turning into a GHOUL! RSE's Ghoulified has an associated quest for those who wish to revert to being human. Turning into a ghoul is a one-time event in RSE. It will never happen twice to the same character. You are friendly to feral ghouls when you have turned into a ghoul. When you are a ghoul, you can summon the power Harbinger of the Undying. This ability gives you control over feral ghouls, commanding them to follow and attack your enemies! Also within this power is the ability to raise your fallen human victims as newly spawned ferals! Using this ability has a price - use it too much and you can never return to humanity.[Advanced Needs Immunodeficiency] MCM toggle added to give player an immune system boost of three points when enabled. Certain actions and effects will edge the player closer to immunodeficiency. When the player reaches this threshold, certain effects are easier to affect the player. When the player reaches this threshold, they receive an additional 15% damage in combat. Immunodeficiency threshold is based off player's Endurance stat divided by 2. Succumbing to radiation sickness will lower the player's immune system. Using Base Game anti-rad items will lower player's immune system. Contracting food poisoning will lower player's immune system. Contracting diseases will lower player's immune system. Disease related immune system reductions can be from combat or consumption. Combat related diseases will reduce player's immune system faster than consumption related diseases will. Swimming can also lead to increased chance of immunodeficiency. AquaBoy02 or AquaGirl02 perks remove chance of immunodeficiency while swimming. Cannibalism can also lead to increased chance of immunodeficiency. Sleeping in a 'dirty' bed will lower player's immune system. Taking Antibiotics, drinking purified water and then sleeping will reverse immunodeficiency. Sleeping must be over 8 hours in length and can only be accomplished when sleeping in a 'clean' bed. Mattresses and sleeping bags do not count, unless they are located in a player owned settlement. Antibiotics may be crafted in Chem Station's RSE ITEMS menu. Cost: 3 antiseptic and 1 purified water. Antibiotics may be purchased from doctors. Antibiotics work on other diseases as well and require the same steps for curing yourself of those.[Advanced Needs Food Poisoning] Consumption of dirty food and liquids will increase your likelihood of illness. Dirty consumables also edge the player towards radiation sickness. When sick, player suffers from diarrhea, vomiting and debuffs. When sick, player will vomit on the ground - actual vomit that remains in the worldspace for 2 real world minutes. Player will need to construct herbal tea in chem station, located in RSE ITEMS menu. Or you can optionally purchase the cure from vendors or doctors. Once in possession of a cure item, simply consume it to remove Food Poisoning immediately. Food poisoning can lead to Gaseous Farts which are a hostile action causing paralysis and vomiting for affected targets. Cannibalism now counts towards food poisoning! Lead Belly Perk Level 1 and 2 reduce amount of contaminants you process in dirty food. Lead Belly Perk Level 3 completely eliminates chances of Food Poisoning.[Advanced Needs Sleeping] Uses the same bed types as Survival Mode (beds, mattresses and sleeping bags). All bed types can be used for 24 hours without penalty, if located in an owned settlement. Outside of settlements, sleeping bags = 3 hour, mattresses = 5 hour and beds = 8 hour max sleep time. Sleeping bags and floor mattresses not in settlements may cause bed bugs. Sleeping bags and floor mattresses not in settlements will increase chances of maladies. The three bed types have different length of waking hour timers. The better quality the bed, the longer you can stay awake without debuffs or maladies. The time between debuffs is controlled via a slider on the MCM. After a set number of sleep reminders, the player's movement speed will be reduced by 50%. Depending on bed type, the player could also develop a very bad headache. Headaches incur a severe penalty to AP drain while sprinting and negatively impact scoped aiming. Consuming any liquid caffeinated item while impeded will remove all debuffs for two hours more (buzz bites dont count). Interrupted sleep can lead to headaches as well, provided the length of sleep is less than 3 hours. Uninterrupted sleep leads to a small reduction in build-up toxins and increases your immune system somewhat.[Advanced Needs Bed Bugs] Beg bugs mode can be toggled on or off in the MCM (boring!!!). Upon waking in a dirty bed, there is a chance based on bed type, of bedbugs spawning and attacking the player. If you are Immunodeficient, the chances are doubled. If bedbugs spawn, there will be between 6 and 12 total. Also, because you slept in an infested sleeping bag or mattress, you will suffer occasional itching damage for 60 minutes. Bedbugs have the capability of further worsening any afflictions you have been suffering.[Advanced Needs Damage Multiplier] When Advanced Needs is enabled, the player receives a hidden perk. This perk multiplies incoming and outgoing damages at the same level that Survival Mode does. Incoming damage is multiplied by 2, outgoing is multiplied by 1.5. There are now two sliders in the MCM that allow you to set both damage types between 0.5 and 4.0 times.[Advanced Needs Carry Weight Reduction] If enabled in the MCM, you can impose a 125 pound weight reduction on your character, to match Survival Mode. Note, if you do this, be sure to DEACTIVATE the feature prior to removing RSE from your game. Even for clean saves when updating! Otherwise it becomes permanent![Advanced Needs Combat Derived Diseases] Player is registered for hit events from a specific group of hostile entities only. The hostile entities list typifies the sort of critters that could be carrying diseases. When entering combat, the player will be examined to see if wearing armor or not. Depending if something is currently worn in qualifying armor slots, a protection value will be assigned. This protection value will determine risks of getting diseases from qualifying combatants. The result of the armor check is then added to a value based on your Endurance (general health indicator). Certain perks also add to your ability to resist diseases. Medic Level 1 will add extra protection against combat based diseases. Medic Level 2 will add extra protection against combat based diseases. Medic Level 3 will add extra protection against combat based diseases. Medic Level 4 eliminates chances of combat based diseases. Once all calculations are done for player protection level, that is compared to a randomly generated number. If the roll is less than equaling the player's protection value, a combat disease will be placed on the player.[Advanced Needs Consumption Derived Diseases] Consumption diseases are based on dirty item consumption. Risk of infection is based on player's Endurance stat. Cannibalism affects disease chances.[Advanced Needs Disease List] Diseases are received via combat with tainted hostiles or by consuming dirty food or drink items. Diseases will lead to reduce immune function and could trigger immunodeficiency. Both Antibiotics and Antibacterial Medication can be made in the chem lab in the RSE ITEMS menu. Alternatively, they both may be purchased from doctors also. If using the Immune System Boost in the MCM, this will lower your chances of infections. Combat Disease - Bloatfly larval infection: Larva embed under your skin and erupt some time later. Combat Disease - Blood Poisoning: Lethargy and general lack of energy. Antibiotics and rest will cure this. Combat Disease - Festering Wound: Recurring damage. Antibiotics and rest will cure this. Consumption Disease - Parasites: Decrease in perception due to divided attention. Antibacterial Ointment will remove these. Swimming Disease - Sepsis: Swimming causes sepsis. AquaBoy02 or AquaGirl02 negate the chances. Antibiotics and rest will cure it.[Advanced Needs Hunger] When the player eats, the hunger timer is restarted and hunger related effects are removed. This timer's length is controlled via a slider on the MCM. Eating 'dirty' food can lead to immunodeficiency unless player has Lead Belly perk level 3. Hunger is tied into Basic Needs bathroom requirements. Going to the bathroom removes a small amount of toxins in your system, recovering your immune levels somewhat. Hunger should occur roughly three times per well-rested waking day. When sleeping, existing timer is cancelled and a new one started upon waking up Failing to satisfy your hunger will result in stacking strength debuffs. The time between debuffs is controlled via a slider on the MCM. Ignoring hunger for too longer will impose a hunger weakness debuff - movement speed 50%. You will need to consume a quantity equal to your need stack in order to remove any debuffs. If enabled as an option, food items in inventory can spoil at user defined lengths.[Advanced Needs Thirst] Stimpak use induces thirst, just as in survival mode. When the player drinks, the thirst timer is restarted and thirst related effects are removed. This timer's length is controlled via a slider on the MCM. Drinking 'dirty' liquids can lead to immunodeficiency unless player has Lead Belly perk level 3. Thirst is tied into Basic Needs bathroom requirements. Going to the bathroom removes a small amount of toxins in your system, recovering your immune levels somewhat. Thirst should occur roughly three times per well-rested waking day. When sleeping, existing timer is cancelled and a new one started upon waking up. Failing to satisfy your thrist will result in stacking intelligence debuffs. The time between debuffs is controlled via a slider on the MCM. You will need to drink a quantity equal to your need stack in order to remove any debuffs. Ignoring thirst for too longer will impose a thirst weakness debuff - Agility -2. Bottled water can be collected from water sources (purified and dirty). Requires empty bottles in your inventory. Pumps and Fountains now count towards quenching your thirst. When drinking from bottled sources, a generic empty bottle will be returned to your inventory. If enabled as an option, water items in inventory can degrade at user defined lengths.[Advanced Needs Luring and Hunting] Using your spoiled food items, you can construct lures and traps. Once placed on the ground, these traps will lure in the nastiest predators in the Commonwealth. If using the official DLC, there is an RSE patch that adds critters from Far Harbor and Nuka World to the Commonwealth. Two stages or luring possible - normal, which is one predator or hard, which spawns three predators.[Advanced Needs Healing] MCM toggle to switch between Normal and Survival mode healing rates. MCM toggle to enable or disable whether Stimpaks heal crippled limbs or not.[Advanced Needs Extreme Outcomes] Ignoring sleep debuffs two times can result in the player passing out cold where ever they currently stand. While passed out the player could be robbed of EVERYTHING they have in inventory. There is no recovery of these lost items. While passed out, there exists the potential that the player could be kidnapped. Both of these functions are ENABLED by default, so be sure to DISABLE them if you do not want to play with them. Both of these functions have controls in the Advanced Needs MCM page. Edited April 16, 2018 by joerqc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rickxy007 Posted December 26, 2018 Share Posted December 26, 2018 Hey there!thanks for the description, it is very thorough! I do have an issue, and perhaps you can shed some light on it. I am currently afflicted with sepsis, and for the life of me can't get rid of it. Used antibiotics (regular and RSE), antimicrobial (or something like that), same thing, went to bed for like 4x in a row, and nothing helps... What can I do do get rid of the sepsis thing? Thanks a million! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dudehammer78 Posted February 19, 2019 Share Posted February 19, 2019 Hey there!thanks for the description, it is very thorough! I do have an issue, and perhaps you can shed some light on it. I am currently afflicted with sepsis, and for the life of me can't get rid of it. Used antibiotics (regular and RSE), antimicrobial (or something like that), same thing, went to bed for like 4x in a row, and nothing helps... What can I do do get rid of the sepsis thing? Thanks a million! I would love the answer to this as well! just got a nice case of sepsis. do i need to reload? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mammaluigi943 Posted September 28, 2019 Share Posted September 28, 2019 damn other people are having this problem too with sepsis damn tried everything and cant remove it rse antibiotics are useless needs a update or a patch sleep doesn't work either Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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