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[LE] How to make the player play as desired NPC?

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I am looking to create a short story horror mod and want the player to play as the custom protagonist NPC I created in Creation Kit until the end of the mod. If it is possible to do this, how can I do it? Thanks for taking time to read this and I'll be looking forward to your advice. Thanks!

Edited by VampireFox2
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I'm not so sure it's possible , at least not in the way you are thinking of


there is a mod out now , where you play as a custom character (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71021/)

however , this mod will only play on a new character , and on this character you will only be able to play that mod (it's like a separate game , but is running through Skyrim)

and this is the only way I can think of that does this

so I'm not sure you can just play as a different character for your mod , but still play your normal character on the rest of the game


however , you can try to write a script that saves your character's stats , then sets them to whatever you wish when starting your mod

and at the end of your mod , the script will return your stats

if looks are also important , you can create an outfit and mask of whatever you want , and have it forced unto the character when you mod starts (and have it removed at the end)

I believe you can also lock the items , so that you can't remove them while playing your mod


not really sure how to go about this , but the mod I linked should be a decent starting point for you , and I'm sure people here will have better answers if you have more specific questions

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