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Want dark/pitch black dungeons


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Hi all I am new to mods/nexus/ and Skyrim. I have a rift and when Skyrim VR came out I just had to buy it. And omg am I glad I did, it's the best VR game I have played so far.

I have been completely overwhelmed by the vast amount of mods and the learning curve I have been on.

What i need some help with is dark dungeons, I find it a little out of character when I go into a crypt and all the lights are on, is there an easy to use mod for this?

Cheers for any help


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You have a number of options, but my own set up uses Realistic Lighting Overhaul (RLO), Vivid Weathers and ENB. I tweaked my own ENB settings, but you can download a preset if you don't want to tweak your own. I have my caves and mines much more realistically dark, but not pitch-black, which to me is not realistic in most cases as there are usually some light sources.


Anyway, start with the lighting overhauls. There's also Enhanced Lights and FX, and Enhanced Lights for ENB. You'll need to check them out and decide which one works for you.

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