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Need to have my Highwayman take a hike and poof out of existense after


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This is for my mod "Sands of Time" . I am adding random encounters with Highway Men that demand either money or your life. Took me tow days but I have the npc appearing properly and the dialogue and scripts workign fine. ForceGreet was HELL to learn.


Now, I need him to run away from the player and to go far enough so the player cannot see him, then disble and delete himself. Can't find any samples of this, would be grateful for any help.






here is one of my fragments that gets executed last after player buckles under and gives his gold away to the Highwayman. works fine, just need to get the bandit gone in an elegant way:


Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(COIN, dOUGH)
HighWayBoss.GetActorReference().AddItem(coin, dough)

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My sloppy solution: used a forcegreet package with dialog to extort money from player. Added a Global variable to make the package not eligible to run after that. Added a second go to package with a cave as a far away destination. Added a script to the npc that uses a register for update event on package changed which tests to see if distance to player s great. If it is it disables and deletes the npc. If it is not it registers for another update in 60 seconds.


Works great but a lot f work.

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