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TranslateTo doesn't work on Static objects?


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I'm a newbie so forgive me if I missed some vital tutorial. I've been trying to write a script that translates a static floor piece, but it won't work. I tried it again on MovableStatic object (as a wild debug step), and that seems to work.


Is there any way to move static objects, or are they not meant to move (as the name implies)?

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I seem to be doing these posts a lot where I figure out the answer immediately after my post. I had the positions of the translation reversed so that up was down and down was up.


Here's my script in case anyone else is working on an elevator:

Scriptname MyFirstButtonScript extends ObjectReference
{My first Papyrus script}

bool Property up = true Auto
ObjectReference Property ElevatorReference Auto Const

 Auto State AtRest
    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

	If up == true
		debug.Notification("Go down")
		ElevatorReference.TranslateTo(ElevatorReference.GetPositionX(), ElevatorReference.GetPositionY(),32, ElevatorReference.GetAngleX(), ElevatorReference.GetAngleY(), ElevatorReference.GetAngleZ(), 100.0, 0)
		up = false
		debug.Notification("Go up")
		ElevatorReference.TranslateTo(ElevatorReference.GetPositionX(), ElevatorReference.GetPositionY(), 192.0, ElevatorReference.GetAngleX(), ElevatorReference.GetAngleY(), ElevatorReference.GetAngleZ(), 100.0, 0)
		up = true
 State Busy
    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
       debug.Notification("Cripes Eva, I'm busy!  Sign it yourself.")

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So having had my glorious revelation, I'm not noticing that the object doesn't animate moving. It just pops to the position I've specified after a certain amount of time dictated by the speed parameter. Further, the collision box only moves after it pops into existence elsewhere. I must be missing something. If anyone has pointers I'd be grateful!

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Take any misc object, set its motion type to keyframed (SetMotionType()) and look how this will be translated. Any MovableStatic should do the trick too. Statics will not.
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