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Draugr Wont Attack Me


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Even tho you killed all your mods, you have some value in your saves that is jacked up. In all the Bethesda games I have played over the years, Skyrim is the worst when it comes to saves getting hosed. I back up my saves when I install mods that effect anything outside of textures and meshes. I've had to restart entire quest lines because of crap like that. The Hypothermia mod and an Archery perk mod jacked me up so bad that my arrows would only fly about 10 feet and drop. I had to restart the entire Mage questline all over when I was just ready to finish it.
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You're dead, bro. Part of the unholy!



Ahh I know that Addfac XXXXXXX 1 can add you to draugr faction (Which I have never used on myself) but I have no idea what the opposite of this is and how to use it on my player.

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Did you uninstall all of your mods? Check and see if there is a general enemy faction. If there is, get out of it, and try again. I don't think there is an 'Enemy' faction, but it's worth looking for, cuz that shouldn't be happening.

Yea there isnt =( I tried uninstalling everything but no luck. Pretty much given up and took an old save to the levelers tower. Thats really lame though, nothing like this has ever happened to me in skyrim that ruined a playtrhough like this.

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