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Lydia attacks if i talk to her (press e)


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i have a big problem: if i want to talk to my companion lydia she attacks me (on first press i get "she is leaving", on second she will attack). if i don't she is doing fine (defends me, attacks foes). i only have a very old safe game where this i not happening - i don't want to loose the play time.

So is there a way to get my normal lydia back?

so far i tried enable/disable her and i tried "setrelationship player 4" - now she is "lover" but she still attacks if i press e on her


so what to do?

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hi dermoritz, fyi, someone else had a similar issue with Aela, the fix was letting Aela go home for a few days then making her a follower again.



Maybe try these 3 console commands (target Lydia) to determine her current status,

seems like your lydia has a wrong/stuck AV (actor value) making her AI react incorrectly:


GETAV AGGRESSION ; AI enum: unaggressive, aggressive, very aggressive, frenzied. (default for Lydia/Jordis/Iona: 1.00 aggressive).

GETAV MORALITY ; AI enum: any crime, violence against enemies, property crime only, no crime. (default for Lydia/Jordis/Iona: 0.00 any crime).

GETAV MOOD ; AI enum: neutral, angry, fear, happy, sad, surprised, puzzled, disgusted. (Lydia/Jordis/Iona same: 0.00 neutral).


You can adjust Lydia's AV setting using SETAV; for example, console, target Lydia:





Are you running any complicated follower mods that may have a bugged script?

Check your magic menu ('P') active effects, are you a werewolf/vampire or have a high bounty?

Edited by xlcr
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my problem is not the same: lydia behaves absolutely normal until i talk to her. all attributes are normal so far.

i just tried to send her back home with "recycleactor" - i found her in breezhome without the equipment i gave her - pressed e on her and she attacked me :-(.


now i'll try to uninstall all mods if this is not working or someone has a better idea i will go back to an old save.


thx anyway

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Strike her down place your marker on her and then open console command, prees the activate button/key and type resurrect close the console command and she should be back to her old self again.


if that dont work just kill her and find another follower, Dosnt matter much as she´s a lousy warrior anyway.

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With the mods I was running I set my character to god mode and tried to kill her. I had followers set to essintial via follower's overhall mod and after I attacked her to where she would normally die she just stopped being hostile and retruned to normal. I think this happened becuase I got on her horse a while ago and it acted as if I stole it from her. She then disappeared. I figured I'd catch back up to her in Whiterun (a couple of hours adventuring later). As I entered Brezzehome and tried to talk to her she drew her sword and attacked. It should also be noted that I tried to target her and set the aggression, morality, and mood to the above as well while she was attacking. She still attacked me afterwards and only after "killing" her did it reset the scripts back to normal. Don't know if this will help anyone, but if it does that will be awesome :smile: !

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