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Strange Interface Bugs....


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Hey there, I recently loaded up a game of Morrowind and Ive run into some rather strange problems that Ive only ever heard talked about on Linux/WINE gaming forums. Im on Windows XP.


3 things. When I open my inventory to equip or unequip my character, it seems to be a 50 50 chance wether his char portrait changes. Some times I remove all his clothing/armor and the picture still displays him with it all, or vice versa. If I keep putting it on and taking it off, itll eventually straighten out, but only until the next time I change something. In the main game, when I use the vanity cam, he appears fine. The only other thing Ive noticed in regards to this, is that the background of his char portrait, which is a transparent black that you can see some of the game world through, sometimes goes fully black whenever the clothing gets stuck.

Next is my map..... Sometimes when I go outside, it the close up map still shows my in the interior cell I just left, and so Im walking through Morrowind, but on the map it just shows a dark void. On the full map, it leaves little black marks on all the areas I walk over at this point. The local map randomly straightens out and screws up again at different times. One minute it shows where I am, the next it goes all black.

Lastly, and this is the REAL problem.....

I cant haggle by clicking and holding down the arrows in the buy/sell interface. I have to click the arrow and raise or lower one gold at a time.



Anybody have ANY idea what this all means?

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