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Texture editing: Can a DDS file work like a gif of sorts?


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I would say that the answer is no. In the Gambryo system, a .dds texture is static. What you are trying to do is more of a NifSkope and Blender challenge. Some meshes have moving pieces with textures attached to them or else rapidly swap out textures in a pattern. There are also things like particle effects. So I do not believe you can make a blinking light using nothing but a program like GIMP or Photoshop.
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You can add a 'Glow' NiTriShape to (almost) any mesh which will give you a 'static' lighting effect = See Daedric Armor .nif files = Which is just another mesh piece added on top of the armor mesh

You could also (as stated above) us a 'particle effect' to simulate a blinking light I guess, though it might be hard to get it to look right.

Other than that I don't know, as Skyrim doesn't have any 'blinking' lights AFAIK, not even torch bugs blink, though similar 'real' insects usually do, it may just be a limitation of the game engine (as if we need another one!)

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