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Crash on Quitting to Main Menu (and randomly in-game)


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I've been trying to fix this for five hours. It only happens with some mods I have installed. I've been systematically disabling mods that edit/add certain things that could possibly crash the game, but to no avail. But maybe there is a mod that I'm underestimating in my list.


I know I'll probably need to list my load order, but I don't see a load order report option on NMM. Also, some mods don't have ESP (they're just in the list of downloaded mods), but I'd like to list those as well. Will I just have to manually type out all my mods?


Also, is there a better way to check which mod is the culprit besides what I'm doing (I'm disabling mods one by one, each time checking the game to see if it's fixed)?



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