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quick question regarding companion actions


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my companion mod i want to enable trigger when i get close to him he starts the conversation sorta like sunny does when you first meet her, he's gonna have starter quest and it's vital that he starts off the conversation because he was contracted to kill me and will be asking reason why and he will have a speech challenge on reason why he should not follow through with the contract if you fail he kills you.


does anyone have an idea how i would go about doing it?

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A dialog package is exactly how that is done. Just take a look at Sunny's SunnyMeetPlayerDialoguePackage and see how it's done. That particular package fires off the GREETING topic, but it doesn't have to. You'll find the actual greeting info for this in the VFreeformGoodsprings quest.

You can make your own quest and create a topic for it. If you do use GREETING, you need to make sure your quest has a higher priority than the Generic quests, if your follower is using a vanilla voice type.


Here's more info: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Dialogue_Package

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should i make two quest for my companion mod? one for meeting and one for hiring and giving orders because the first quest from above topic is a starter quest of more to come because after i am able to convince him not to kill me but join me instead , once he is hired on a secondary quest starts because he wants to seek out his girlfriend Raven however when he finds her, the quest starts another episode of where she was hired to take me and him both out due to breach of contract . so here is the question is love stronger then money...



so basically maybe it would be better to have 2 quest assign to him just for this purpose that way followers quest don't get broken not to mention companion wheel is so touchy

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scn CKSQuestStartstage10triggerSCRIPT


begin onTriggerEnter player


if getStage CKSQuestStart < 10

setStage CKSQuestStart 10




Does this look right the quest suppose to start after leaving doc's house?

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