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Good evening everyone,

After a long break, I went back to Skyrim ... I forgot how I liked this game.

In short, I come to you for a question. I installed my mods, I run my game and a lot of words are in English. Normal, most modders are English speaking. I install ESP / ESM Translator, and I decide to translate a maximum, so that my daughter tries this game. I launched the process "Cohérence mods", selects all the mods; modify all that has to modify and click on the small button: Lancer la modifications de tout les mods.
I restart my game, and there some words are unchanged. Example the door of Hod and Gerdur, it is always marked in English ... Scregneugneu. I come back on ESP / ESM checks with the previous process, and there nothing is displayed. Mods certainly translated but not in play. Bizarre.

An idea of where this comes from? Do I have to redo a complete install?

Thank you for your help


Z.(A french player)

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