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Midas Magic confusion.


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i'm trying to get Midas Magic to work bout i cant figure out somthing. how do i get the Essences and the Astrel Cap thingy mentiond in Arum Incantatum?
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The Astral Beacon caps grow in the astral plane. The first place you'll find them is when you first enter the astral plane. You find yourself on a floating island, with a chest, bench and several astral gates. I can't remember the direction, but if you're facing the bank of six gates, turn to your left, and walk to the edge of the island, you'll see a small island in the distance. There are some caps on that island.
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The Astral Beacon caps grow in the astral plane. The first place you'll find them is when you first enter the astral plane. You find yourself on a floating island, with a chest, bench and several astral gates. I can't remember the direction, but if you're facing the bank of six gates, turn to your left, and walk to the edge of the island, you'll see a small island in the distance. There are some caps on that island.


Also, you need to be able to basically fly to reach said island, unless you use the console, but I believe it was intended to be able to fly to it.

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The Astral Beacon caps grow in the astral plane. The first place you'll find them is when you first enter the astral plane. You find yourself on a floating island, with a chest, bench and several astral gates. I can't remember the direction, but if you're facing the bank of six gates, turn to your left, and walk to the edge of the island, you'll see a small island in the distance. There are some caps on that island.


Also, you need to be able to basically fly to reach said island, unless you use the console, but I believe it was intended to be able to fly to it.


actually your supposed to use a spell (midas force push i believe it is) and jump towards the island while spamming force push and looking directly underneath you and slightly forward











now i would like to know where to find those gems? or the boss?

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