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The Evergloam


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At the end of the Thieves Guild questline, you use the Skeleton Key to open up the Ebonmere, a gateway to the Evergloam, allowing Nocturnal to spread her influence through Nightingale powers and luck once more, and also emerge out of it in person. Now, if she can come out, what's to say that you can't come in? I'd like to explore the realm of this mysterious Daedra. I want to find ancient vaults filled with treasure, guarded jealously by shadowy daedra. I want to strut into Nocturnal's palace and have a personal meeting. I imagine a questline that increases your power as a Nightingale, Nocturnal granting you more power as you gain her favour and become her greatest champion. Battlespire already shown a realm belonging to Nocturnal called the Shade Perilous. It had Daedra called Nocturnals (confusing, I know), who resemble mortal women with long white hair. I could imagine certain other Daedra, like Spider Daedra and Dark Seducers also living there. As for unique NPCs, I can imagine Nocturnal's ravens acting as her messengers and assistants like Haskill was for Sheogorath. Edited by LordAvernus
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