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Adding a book to a bookshelf in CK


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I tried linking the book to either the bookshelf inventory or the book marker, can't link to both for some reason. No keyword, same way you put weapons on a plaque. Still can't get it to work.


Another question about bookshelves; how do you activate them through a collision plane? If you look at the ones in Proudspire you'll see that the activators don't stick through the collision plane like I have to do to get mine to work. I also can't pick up a book off of the shelf like you can with other shelves. I couldn't find any relevant-looking settings in the collision plane's reference window. Please help. EDIT: I worked around this problem by duplicating a collision plane from another bookshelf. I'd still like to know how to make one that way though.

Edited by ChampionOfHircine
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No idea, how to add a book to a bookshelf in CK, I don't know if it's possible. But to your 2nd question:


Look at the settings of the primitive tab, the primitive type should be 'box', and the collision layer set to 'L_Unidentified'.






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