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Creation Kit render and preview windows showing only black textures? Any ideas?

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Any ideas what's causing this?

I do not use ENBs

I've tried renaming my textures, meshes, and materials folders so only the vanilla archives are accessed.

I've googled every combination of words I can think of for this issue.

Selecting a debug mode (GBuffer 0) in the Shaders tab of the Preferences window gives me the actual textures, but very dark.

It just started today, yesterday everything worked fine.


Any help would be hugely appreciated!




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Barring the lighting question that SicariusSummoned mentioned, you might try removing your CreationKitPrefs.ini from your Fallout 4 folder and launching the CK. If that doesn't fix it try doing the same with your CreationKit.ini. I had this happen to me once and removing the .ini file(s) and letting the CK rebuild one at launch fixed it for me.


In that case I can't recall which .ini file was the problem but as a general note you can often clear up all sorts of CK wonkiness that spontaneously appears by getting rid of your CreationKitPrefs.ini and letting the CK build a new one. The prefs file seems to get corrupted on occasion causing all sorts of fun. The downside is you have to redo any settings you've made changes to.

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The ini idea RedRocketTV posted is probably the solution. The CK corrupts the ini files for no real reason on a whim sometimes. Usually I see this after I've changed something in my preferences for the render window but it has happened even when I haven't changed anything. Just start it up to work on a mod and boom, corrupted ini file and no textures visible.


One tip on this - do the deletion and restart the CK so it recreates it. Then go into your preferences and make all your changes so you get your CK set up just how you like. Then close the the CK and make a copy of your known good ini file and rename it so that it's right next to the ini file. When the corruption happens again, just delete the normal ini file, make a copy of your good ini file and remove the renaming so the CK sees it as the valid ini file. Saves you some time and you don't loose all your preferred settings as you won't have to redo them.

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I have found that on my current install of the CK the preview for meshes is always black but pressing A solves this.


That is going to happen if the bulb icon (white light only in-editor for your benefit) or the neighboring cloud icon (environmental lighting) are both disabled

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Bit of a necro, but...


Find 'bSAOEnable' in the CreationKitPrefs.ini file and make sure it's set to '1', as in:




If it's set to '0' you'll get the above effect.

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  • 1 month later...

Bit of a necro, but...


Find 'bSAOEnable' in the CreationKitPrefs.ini file and make sure it's set to '1', as in:




If it's set to '0' you'll get the above effect.



I just had this happen to me today and changing that setting worked


Thanks for the info

Edited by SmokyAnarky
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