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SKSE64 plugin creation info request


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I rely heavily on b3lisario's SkyUI-Show Armor Slots for the mod "fixes" I've been working on. It isn't in development anymore, doesn't work with SKSE64 v2.0.7, and I've had no luck finding an alternate mod that does. I'd like to continue working on mods with the latest version of Skyrim SE and SKSE64, but that will be much more time consuming if I can't see armor nodes in-game. My current project is currently on hold while I try to figure out how to resolve this issue.


I posted a mod request in the request forum over a week ago. It's now on page 3 with over 60 views and no replies. I'm thinking that means my request is effectively dead. If that is the case, my options are to either make (and possibly release) my own unique mod, or decompile and modify b3lisario's mod for personal use only. I've spent over a week (off and on) searching for information about doing either with no useful results.


This may be a huge waste of time, but I'd like to at least try. I mastered programming in BASIC back in the 80's, and I've since done some work with Java and ASP. that was a tough transition, but I figured it out. I'm hoping my transition to object-oriented programming will help.


TLDR; I'd appreciate any information I can get regarding writing/editing a dll plugin that will show armor nodes in-game.

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Unfortunately, I'm not skilled enough to help you with your task. But maybe something you can try:


1. Post your request in the "Creation Kit and Modders" subforum. There you have the highest probability of meeting someone who can actually help you.


2. Maybe ask for help on Loverslab. Updating .dll files (and dealing with armor slots....) is quite a common challenge for people who want to make all that NSFW stuff work with the new SKSE. There are some people over there who know quite a bit about coding - and it may be a project they're actually interested in themselves...

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The one you linked shouldn't work, it's for SkyUI 5.0.


Are you saying 1.10 does work with the latest version of Skyrim SE/SKSE64? The version I've been using is 1.0.15a, and it doesn't work. The version number is earlier, but the plugin file's date is much newer. If 1.10 works, I'll just switch to that (I have it).

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It looks like 1.10 is working with my current Skyrim/SKSE64 version, but I have to turn off error reporting in SkyUI. It's apparently made up of .swf files, with no .dll. It may be much easier for me to figure out how to update 1.10 for my needs once I get familiar with the SDK . Thanks for the link, PsychoSlammer :)

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