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Screwed up using an Additive for HumanRaceSubGraphData and now melee weapons are help like guns.


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Here's an example of what I mean: https://i.imgur.com/WtsD5sH.jpg


The 1st person anims for melee weapons are fine, but the 3rd person anims are all wrong. I know it's my additive as the power armor melee anims are working fine. My additive doesn't target keyword any of the melee anims.


Some Additive information: https://i.imgur.com/eFmJXK4.png


I'm not sure what to do to reenable the normal melee anims with the additive, but I think it has something to do with the .hkx files.


Any suggestions on what to do or links to tutorials that could teach me how to properly work with these .hkx files would be greatly appreciated.

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Your graph is referencing the submachine gun.
You have a 2h sword.
Additive graphs aren't meant to completely replace a main graph since a large chunk of them are additive and retargeted blend animations that work independently from the main animations (swing, block, main pose, etc.) They are referenced in the subgraph template, and unless you are specifically changing these there's no reason to include them. When you're redirecting animations using additive subgraphs, you should only add a couple of important entries to weapons which animations you are directly modifying.
To replace animations for one weapon, you need four entries in order to fully support the humanoid races:
First person
NPC (third person)
Player (third person)
Synth (third person)
When you add an entry, you need to specify the correct behavior file. There are different behavior files for different types of weapons. If you have a 2H melee weapon, it should use 2HM_MeleeWrappingBehavior.hkx. Behavior files are libraries that tie game events to a file name. They share the same file extension, but behavior files are not actual animations.
When you are adding the directory paths to reroute to your custom animations, you must keep the original directory order, along with your custom path at the very top.
See Skibadaa's video on subgraphs. He explains how the subgraph system works.

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If you want just normal melee animation, add "Anims2hmWeapon" to your weapon. Forget about subgraph.

If you want custom melee animation, tutorial which ehtyeci added will be helpful. And https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Subgraphs is CK tutorial.

If you want custom behavior, additive subgraph data will be like this https://ibb.co/nxn1U7 .

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We're having a miscommunication.


I'm not trying to add any melee weapons.


I added this gun: https://i.imgur.com/GrL4aq8.jpg


The additive for this gun only includes anims for this gun and it works great. However, for reasons unknown my melee weapons no longer work in third person and when I draw a melee weapon my character holds it like a gun and I have no idea why. So I'm just going to watch that video and hope something clicks.


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That still doesn't invalidate my previous post. Your additive graph has redundant entries.

See if it helps by reducing the number of entries to the ones mentioned in my post or in the video. Or, you might have a gun behavior file overriding your melee weapons either by your esp or as a loose file.

Did you place any loose files into your Data\meshes\Actors\Character\Behaviors directory?

Did you at any point rename any melee behavior files into gun behavior or vice versa?

I'll gladly take a look at your esp, if you'd like.

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Sorry for misreading.


My additive doesn't target keyword any of the melee anims.

My first concern was target keyword too, but according to you it's not.


Could you show me the image including below?

* EditorID of the race (which you duplicated from HumanRaceSubGraphData)

* Actor Keyword

* Target Keyword


Melee weapons can do any other actions (like swing and block) without T-pose?

If behavior was not overwrote, maybe it causes T-pose. Otherwise, melee weapon behave like a gun.

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That still doesn't invalidate my previous post. Your additive graph has redundant entries.
See if it helps by reducing the number of entries to the ones mentioned in my post or in the video. Or, you might have a gun behavior file overriding your melee weapons either by your esp or as a loose file.
Did you place any loose files into your Data\meshes\Actors\Character\Behaviors directory?
Did you at any point rename any melee behavior files into gun behavior or vice versa?
I'll gladly take a look at your esp, if you'd like.



Sorry for misreading.


My additive doesn't target keyword any of the melee anims.

My first concern was target keyword too, but according to you it's not.


Could you show me the image including below?

* EditorID of the race (which you duplicated from HumanRaceSubGraphData)

* Actor Keyword

* Target Keyword


Melee weapons can do any other actions (like swing and block) without T-pose?

If behavior was not overwrote, maybe it causes T-pose. Otherwise, melee weapon behave like a gun.


For the moment I've tapped out and just attached my anims to the SCAR HumanRaceSubGraphData Additive.


Honestly, I have no idea what I did wrong. The target keywords were my anims, the editor IDs were ActorTypeHuman and ActorTypeNPC, I had all the folders in place, I did that -creationkitgenerate stuff in console. Maybe I missed a keyword somewhere or something. Right now I'm just watching that video hoping to see whatever step I missed. I have no idea why my additive gun additive was messing up unrelated melee weapons. lol


I really appreciate you guys taking the time to try. Thank you and if you have in tutorials on modifying weapons sounds + adding different reload sounds I'd love to watch those tutorials just to make sure I did everything right.


Thanks for your time.

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As it was said before, your additive data contains loads of animation files and it does not look like it was intended. Normally, it should only contain your custom or editted animations that are essential for your weapon to work.

The process is quite simple. You just copy/duplicate the vanilla "HumanRaceSubgraphData" record. Open it, click the Subgraph Data tab and set it additive. The tab should be totally empty. Then you add your animations there.

Edited by kitcat81
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You just copy/duplicate the vanilla "HumanRaceSubgraphData" record. Open it, click the Subgraph Data tab and set it additive. The tab should be totally empty. Then you add your animations there.


That's where I f*#@ed up. I didn't copy the humanRaceSubgrapgData. I copied an additive for it.


Oh god you know idea how good it feels to finally understand where I f*#@ed up and yes, I understand the other data was just extra crap because I checked it and it all pointed to standard submachine gun stuff. To make sure I understand correctly does that mean I just add the submachine gun anims to my gun along with my anims?


Thank you, Kitcat81.



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Not at all. I just have doubts that copying the one from DLCs could cause such problems. The main point is , it should be empty after you set it additive. There should not be any vanilla animations there.

If you want your weapon to use some of the vanilla animation along with your custom animations and keyword or if you want to use animations from a few different vanilla weapons for your gun, you need to extract them from the Fallout4- Animations.BA2, rename them all, put into the required folder ( you can create your path and folder using a vanilla weapon folder as an example). Then add them to your Subgraph Data tab and assign your custom keyword to them. If you want to use all anims from some existing gun, then no need to create any keyword, you can use the existing one.

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