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Far Cry

[Mod Request] Weapon Damage!


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The weapon damage is ridiculous like in all Far Cry games, you can stand 2 meters from an enemy and shot him in the head and he still guns you down. Or you empty a whole clip of bullets in a enemy with only a shirt on and he wont die?, same goes for animals that can take a hole clip of bullets and still not die.


Don't understand that the Far Cry developers can't get this right after all these years, other game developers can do it without any problem.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Definitely my opinion. Installed FC 5 after several years again - wonderful game in graphical aspects, fantastic to drive, fly etc., but as You said, the powerless weapons are a bit fun-killing....
Something I found very good was the upgrade feature from Far Cry New Dawn, where you increase the damage value of all weapons. Something like that would have been great to have in FC 5 too! Now found a mod, where Weapons deal double damage - not bad - but you receive double damage from enemy too, which can kill some missions, where you have to handle a bunch of enemies. Is there a easy way to edit the damage values of FC5 weapons, to give them more punch instead of having some softair-like guns? Thks for answer in advance and sorry, if I digged out an older thread...

Wish You all a very nice and peacful christmas and a happy new Year


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