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Fashion photography for Skyrim - Portable lighting system


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There might be others "real life photographers" playing Skyrim,

but a poor chance that any of us have modding skills..


As the title explain the idea is to bring the ability to set a custom lighting environement

via poseable and adjustable stand-alone lights sources.


1 - what will it be usefull for ?


Making better, sexier and more sophisticated/controlled screenshots/videos in Skyrim.


2 - How to include that in Skyrim ?


be able to spawn, place and configure customs light-sources, like modded torchs maybe ?

with different settings like, hard or softlights, tint, intensity, visible light (fog)


well actually lights like in any 3D software..


Then be abble to take them back once the "shooting" done. :)


3 - Who could use it ?


well any photography/screenshot enthusiast and also modders to make advertising quality pictures for theirs brand new armors, weapons, characters, etc..

In the end it could really bring a new gameplay experience, as posing lights for the best effect need skills.


there's a flickr group with users that post pics and set-up infos : http://www.flickr.com/groups/strobist/pool/with/7114453715/

it's real life photography but it could work almost the same in Skyrim.



as another real life reference to see how lighting can improve a LOT any scenic photography

check the work of Dave hill his website features many "backstages" videos that explain the process.






So, what do u think ? :psyduck:

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