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[NSFW] Werewolf body mods fighting each other.


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The two werewolf body mods i am using are:

Tweaked Derrax Male Werewolf Animal Penis Special Edition


Female Werewolf SSE


I checked the files from both, and they do not seem to be overwriting from each one, but occupy is the location. What occurs in my game depends on what is later in the load list.


1) TDMWAPSE is above FWSSE. Playing as a female werewolf, I transform and my body is more feminine, and i find a werewolf body at Gallows Rock, to find that they are the vanilla body (no changes).


2) FWSSE is above TDMWAPSE. Playing as a female werewolf, I transform and my body is the default form (no changes). Travel to Gallows Rock, the werewolves there, DO have the added equipment.


Why is there a conflict between these two mods, if neither one of them directly modifies the other and is it possible to have both of them function as intended at the same time?


P.S. Not sure it matters pertaining to this inquiry, but I am not using the MTSE. I am using the Bloodmoon Rising Overhaul, but i had it disabled during the troubleshooting. I have no other mods that touch werewolves.

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