candlepin Posted May 3, 2018 Author Share Posted May 3, 2018 (edited) Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I still can't get the perk script to compile without errors. It seems to be stemming from the CK not recognizing the property for the other script: unknown type cp_ingredientswap (I get this error from the "CP_IngredientSwap Property PlayerAlias Auto" line) cp_ingredientswap is not a known user-defined type (I get this error twice, once for each time the SwapInventory() function is called) Edited May 3, 2018 by candlepin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDragon2013 Posted May 3, 2018 Share Posted May 3, 2018 (edited) Make sure the sourcefile "CP_IngredientSwap.psc" exists in the right folder "data\scripts\source" and was compiled successful before perk fragment. You can also try this: ReferenceAlias PROPERTY PlayerAlias auto ; playeralias which has attached the script we want to swapwithin perk fragment use that: (PlayerAlias as CP_IngredientSwap).SwapInventory(TRUE) .. (PlayerAlias as CP_IngredientSwap).SwapInventory(False)maybe it's useful. Edited May 3, 2018 by ReDragon2013 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDragon2013 Posted May 3, 2018 Share Posted May 3, 2018 I tried to make the content of both scripts provided by foamyesque, imho a bit more clean. CP_IngredientSwap Scriptname CP_IngredientSwap extends ReferenceAlias ; ; foamyesque wrote: "Well, until I can diagnose why I get two OnItemRemoved events, these are my scripts:" GlobalVariable PROPERTY CP_SwapState auto Perk PROPERTY CP_AlchemyPerk auto Spell PROPERTY CP_TransmuteIngredients auto FormList PROPERTY CP_IngredientList auto FormList PROPERTY CP_OriginalList auto FormList PROPERTY CP_EmptyList auto Hidden ; not filled formlist FormList PROPERTY CP_ItemStack auto Hidden ; filled by OnItemAdded(), OnItemRemoved() ReferenceAlias PROPERTY SwapContainerAlias auto ObjectReference SwapContainerRef Bool bUpdating Bool bSwapping ;Int iSKSEVersion ;ObjectReference PlayerRef ;------------------------- FUNCTION myF_Init(Float f) ;------------------------- ;;; iSKSEVersion = SKSE.GetVersion() actor aRef = Game.GetPlayer() self.ForceRefTo(aRef as ObjectReference) ; should not be necessary, but who knows aRef.AddPerk(CP_AlchemyPerk) ; give player the special perk aRef = None gotoState("Starting") ; ### STATE ### RegisterForSingleUpdate(f) ENDFUNCTION ; -- EVENTs -- 4 + "Starting" + "Started" EVENT OnInit() myF_Init(5.0) ENDEVENT EVENT OnPlayerLoadGame() myF_Init(1.0) ENDEVENT EVENT OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) UnregisterForUpdate() CP_ItemStack.AddForm(akBaseItem) ; ADD 1 RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.1) ENDEVENT EVENT OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) UnregisterForUpdate() CP_ItemStack.AddForm(akBaseItem) ; ADD 2 RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.1) ENDEVENT ;====================================== State Starting ;============= EVENT OnUpdate() IF ( bUpdating ) RETURN ; - STOP - busy with swap ENDIF ;------------------- bUpdating = TRUE ; *T* SwapContainerRef = SwapContainerAlias.GetReference() SwapContainerRef.RemoveAllItems() ;IF (iSKSEVersion > 0) ; SKSE version ; SeedInventory_SKSE(TRUE) ;ELSE SeedInventory(TRUE) ;ENDIF SwapContainerRef.RemoveAllItems() ;IF (iSKSEVersion > 0) ; SKSE version ; SeedInventory_SKSE(False) ;ELSE SeedInventory(False) ;ENDIF bUpdating = False ; *** gotoState("Started") ; ### STATE ### OnUpdate() ; enlarge stacksize by calling OnUpdate() directly in state "Started" SwapInventory( myF_GetSwapState(TRUE) ) ENDEVENT ;======= endState ;====================================== State Started ;============ EVENT OnSpellCast(Form akSpell) IF (akSpell == CP_TransmuteIngredients) SwapInventory( myF_GetSwapState(False) ) ENDIF ENDEVENT EVENT OnUpdate() WHILE (bUpdating) Utility.Wait(0.1) ; hold on, I am busy with update action ENDWHILE ;-------------- bUpdating = TRUE ; *T* WHILE (CP_ItemStack.GetSize() > 0) myF_LookupItem( CP_ItemStack.GetAt(0) ) ENDWHILE ;-------------- bUpdating = False ; *** ENDEVENT ;------- EndState ; -- FUNCTIONs -- 1 + 5 ;--------------------------------------------- Bool FUNCTION myF_GetSwapState(Bool bOpposite) ; internal helper to shrink stacksize ;--------------------------------------------- bool bOK = CP_SwapState.GetValue() as Bool IF ( bOpposite ) RETURN !bOK ENDIF ;--------- RETURN bOK ENDFUNCTION ;---------------------------------------------- FUNCTION myF_SwapItem(Form akBaseItem, Form fm) ; internal helper to shrink stacksize ;---------------------------------------------- int i = self.GetReference().GetItemCount(akBaseItem) ; iCount from players inventory SwapContainerRef.RemoveItem(fm, 999999, TRUE) ; fm = swapItem SwapContainerRef.AddItem(fm, i, TRUE) ENDFUNCTION ;--------------------------------------- FUNCTION myF_LookupItem(Form akBaseItem) ; internal only ;--------------------------------------- CP_ItemStack.RemoveAddedForm(akBaseItem) ; REMOVE int i = CP_OriginalList.Find(akBaseItem) ; akLookupList_1 IF (i >= 0) && (i < CP_IngredientList.GetSize()) ; akSendList_1 myF_SwapItem(akBaseItem, CP_IngredientList.GetAt(i)) RETURN ; - STOP - /1 ENDIF ;===================== i = CP_IngredientList.Find(akBaseItem) ; akLookupList_2 IF (i < 0) RETURN ; - STOP - /2 nothing ENDIF ;--------------------- IF (i >= CP_OriginalList.GetSize()) ; akSendList_2 Debug.Trace(self+" LookUpItem() - Formlists are of different size") RETURN ; - STOP - /3 error ENDIF ;--------------------- myF_SwapItem(akBaseItem, CP_OriginalList.GetAt(i)) ; /4 ENDFUNCTION ;--------------------------------------- FUNCTION SeedInventory(Bool abSwapState) ; called twice by OnUpdate() within state "Starting" ;--------------------------------------- objectReference oRef = self.GetReference() int i int j int n IF ( abSwapState ) ; TRUE -- lookup=CP_IngredientList, send=CP_OriginalList i = CP_IngredientList.GetSize() j = CP_OriginalList.GetSize() WHILE (i > 0) i = i - 1 n = oRef.GetItemCount( CP_IngredientList.GetAt(i) ) IF (n > 0) && (i < j) SwapContainerRef.AddItem(CP_OriginalList.GetAt(i), n) ENDIF ENDWHILE ELSE ; False -- lookup=CP_OriginalList, send=CP_IngredientList i = CP_OriginalList.GetSize() j = CP_IngredientList.GetSize() WHILE (i > 0) i = i - 1 n = oRef.GetItemCount( CP_OriginalList.GetAt(i) ) IF (n > 0) && (i < j) SwapContainerRef.AddItem(CP_IngredientList.GetAt(i), n) ENDIF ENDWHILE ENDIF ENDFUNCTION ;;-------------------------------------------- ;FUNCTION SeedInventory_SKSE(Bool abSwapState) ; called twice by OnUpdate() within state "Starting" ;;-------------------------------------------- ; objectReference oRef = self.GetReference() ; form[] a ; a = LookupArray ; form[] b ; b = SendArray ; IF ( abSwapState ) ; a = CP_IngredientList.ToArray() ; b = CP_OriginalList.ToArray() ; ELSE ; a = CP_OriginalList.ToArray() ; b = CP_IngredientList.ToArray() ; ENDIF ; int i = a.Length ; int j = b.Length ; WHILE (i > 0) ; i = i - 1 ; int n = oRef.GetItemCount(a[i]) ; players item count ; IF (n > 0) && (i < j) ; SwapContainerRef.AddItem(b[i], n) ; ENDIF ; ENDWHILE ;ENDFUNCTION ;---------------------------------------- FUNCTION SwapInventory(Bool abTargetSwap) ; called external twice by "foam_PRKF_CP_AlchemyPerk_01001D94" and OnUpdate(), OnSpellCast() ;---------------------------------------- WHILE (bSwapping) Utility.Wait(0.1) ; hold on, I am busy with swap action ENDWHILE ;--------------- bSwapping = TRUE ; *T* self.RemoveAllInventoryEventFilters() self.AddInventoryEventFilter(CP_EmptyList) ; empty formlist, do not call any event for OnItemAdded(), OnItemRemoved() objectReference oRef = self.GetReference() ; PlayerRef IF ( abTargetSwap ) oRef.RemoveItem(CP_OriginalList, 999999, TRUE, SwapContainerRef) SwapContainerRef.RemoveItem(CP_IngredientList, 999999, TRUE, oRef) ELSE oRef.RemoveItem(CP_IngredientList, 999999, TRUE, SwapContainerRef) SwapContainerRef.RemoveItem(CP_OriginalList, 999999, TRUE, oRef) ENDIF self.RemoveAllInventoryEventFilters() self.AddInventoryEventFilter(CP_OriginalList) self.AddInventoryEventFilter(CP_IngredientList) CP_SwapState.SetValue(abTargetSwap as Float) ; update globalVar bSwapping = False ; *** ENDFUNCTION foam_PRKF_CP_AlchemyPerk_01001D94 ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 4 Scriptname foam_PRKF_CP_AlchemyPerk_01001D94 Extends Perk Hidden ; to override the standard activation and ensure the swaps are completed before the crafting menu opens: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akTargetRef, Actor akActor) ;BEGIN CODE IF ( bActivated ) RETURN ; - STOP - ENDIF ;--------------------- bActivated = TRUE ; Threadlock on PlayerAlias.SwapInventory(TRUE) akTargetRef.Activate(akActor as ObjectReference) Utility.Wait(0.25) ; added by ReDragon, maybe useful ; bool bOK = TRUE WHILE (bOK) bOK = akTargetRef.IsFurnitureInUse(TRUE) bOK = bOK || !Game.IsLookingControlsEnabled() IF ( bOK ) Utility.Wait(0.5) ENDIF ENDWHILE PlayerAlias.SwapInventory(False) bActivated = False ; Threadlock off ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment CP_IngredientSwap PROPERTY PlayerAlias auto ; name of playeralias script we want to swap Bool bActivated ; [default=false] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
foamyesque Posted May 3, 2018 Share Posted May 3, 2018 Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I still can't get the perk script to compile without errors. It seems to be stemming from the CK not recognizing the property for the other script: unknown type cp_ingredientswap (I get this error from the "CP_IngredientSwap Property PlayerAlias Auto" line) cp_ingredientswap is not a known user-defined type (I get this error twice, once for each time the SwapInventory() function is called) CP_IngredientSwap is the name of the 'extends ReferenceAlias' script. If you renamed that script to something else when you created it, you'll need to update the property declarations to use that name instead. You'll also want to make sure that the extends-ReferenceAlias script compiled and has the .pex file in your scripts directory, as RedDragon said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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