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Am I the only one who feels this way ??


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Well I think the hot list on the main nexus page is bulls*** and completly useless, I always see the same kind of mods, either ENB, Armor/weapon mods or some anime bulls***, I mean its ok to have those things, they kind of enrich the game, but cmon having them on top list ? when there are dungeons, spells, quest's mods that you actually enjoy playing beyond making your character look better. I think those mods should go on top page, or at least some advertising of them, it might get some motivation for modders, so we can actually enjoy some actually extra playtime instead of spending the whole day fapping with one of the CBBE mods.. Well there I drop the bomb, may the community judge me haha
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Well I think the hot list on the main nexus page is bulls*** and completly useless, I always see the same kind of mods, either ENB, Armor/weapon mods or some anime bulls***, I mean its ok to have those things, they kind of enrich the game, but cmon having them on top list ? when there are dungeons, spells, quest's mods that you actually enjoy playing beyond making your character look better. I think those mods should go on top page, or at least some advertising of them, it might get some motivation for modders, so we can actually enjoy some actually extra playtime instead of spending the whole day fapping with one of the CBBE mods.. Well there I drop the bomb, may the community judge me haha



As much as I get the same feelings as you do I must say (and you probably already know) that those mods you are talking about and I am preying about every day take their good time to come out. Of course one day the hotlist will be full of beautiful mods but not in the first 2\3 months of the CK. It's already something we found ourselves with Moonpath to Elsweyr and some other quests instead of just ENB (yes, too many of them). You above all should know how much TOOK YOU and the other guys to implement a single flying code! I know it was just a bomb and I know you know what I am trying to tell you cause I feel like we've got the same thinking about this fact! Well, here are my 2 cents! Enjoy! And btw, Porroone, I'd like you to click on my Signature on the "GOTHIC, Valley of Mines - The Colony" Link and check out the video in the very first page of the topic! Let me know what you think! Tkx you in advance!

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Actually I already checked your work and I think its the kind of stuff people should be doing, since at least for me, its what keeps me playing (new landscapes, dungeons, quests..), so keep up the good work, and if you need any help with scripted events I am here to assist :)
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Actually I already checked your work and I think its the kind of stuff people should be doing, since at least for me, its what keeps me playing (new landscapes, dungeons, quests..), so keep up the good work, and if you need any help with scripted events I am here to assist :)


Watch out for what you offer buddy cause I might even consider addng you to the team and spank the scripts out of your mind! Don't try me! XD And thank you, it feels good to know that ppl appreciate and wait for it to come out! Im putting a lot of efforts in it! (Well, easier than the flying scripts for sure XD)

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I think it would be really cool if there were several categories of top files featured on the home page of Skyrim Nexus. So instead of having five pictures of female swimsuits for combat, there would be pictures from several categories. Some possible categories:


(1) Apparel

(2) Weapons

(3) Tweaks, Gameplay Effects and Changes, UI, Misc.

(4) Followers, Houses

(5) Dungeons, Quests, and Adventures


So if a system like this was used, instead of five pictures of swimsuits for combat, you might end up with one picture of a woman in a swimsuit for combat, a sword, a menu change, a follower, and a dungeon entrance.

Edited by David Brasher
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I think it would be really cool if there were several categories of top files featured on the home page of Skyrim Nexus. So instead of having five pictures of female swimsuits for combat, there would be pictures from several categories. Some possible categories:


(1) Apparel

(2) Weapons

(3) Tweaks, Gameplay Effects and Changes, UI, Misc.

(4) Followers, Houses

(5) Dungeons, Quests, and Adventures


So if a system like this was used, instead of five pictures of swimsuits for combat, you might end up with one picture of a woman in a swimsuit for combat, a sword, a menu change, a follower, and dungeon entrance.

You sir, have the answer to all our problems. I will be really happy with that setup.

Edited by porroone
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I think it would be really cool if there were several categories of top files featured on the home page of Skyrim Nexus. So instead of having five pictures of female swimsuits for combat, there would be pictures from several categories. Some possible categories:


(1) Apparel

(2) Weapons

(3) Tweaks, Gameplay Effects and Changes, UI, Misc.

(4) Followers, Houses

(5) Dungeons, Quests, and Adventures


So if a system like this was used, instead of five pictures of swimsuits for combat, you might end up with one picture of a woman in a swimsuit for combat, a sword, a menu change, a follower, and dungeon entrance.

You sir, have the answer to all our problems. I will be really happy with that setup.


Indeed, that would definetly do the trick!

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I get your feeling, It's a shame that people overlook top quality mods such as, as you say, quest mods, dungeon mods, and gameplay enhancements in favour of the mod types you mentioned. What I find the most agitating is the frequency with which Peverted Mods, character enhancements and other peripheral crap is featured on the hot list. I know this is slightly off topic but I sometimes hesitate to call myself a gamer lest I be stereotyped as a pevert, who spends his days looking at animated cleavage. And the lore breaking mods? Don't even get me started!


To be honest, it's all fueled by that MMOXREVIEW guy on YouTube who is, although a good review obsessed with lighting and armour/weapon mods and, of course, perverted mods!

Edited by ThoseTolerableNoobs
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The hot files system is pretty fair, only files with the highest number of endorsements get to the hot files. They are there because more people like those files than dungeons/spells/quests. And from what I've seen, out of 100 dungeons/spell/quest mods only a few are made well enough to be actually used, the rest of them only give you god weapons or spells after you kill a couple of skeletons so I usually skip mods with "dungeon" and "quest" in the file name.
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