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Am I the only one who feels this way ??


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Many people who prefer the later ones know the reasons why some prefer Daggerfall and Morrowind. It's because of that old-school attributes system etc. And the simplicity of Skyrim in comparison.


I for one, have no interest in attributes, they don't seem to have any use. And having a luck system in combat, where your hit success depends on your skill and a random roll rather than perks like in Skyeim seems overly complex. I'd much, much rather play Skyrim's system, or Oblivion's middle ground system, over those kinds of systems any day. Morrowind is still and excellent game, but it is no way better than Skyrim, at least not in that justification.

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Many people who prefer the later ones know the reasons why some prefer Daggerfall and Morrowind. It's because of that old-school attributes system etc. And the simplicity of Skyrim in comparison.


I for one, have no interest in attributes, they don't seem to have any use. And having a luck system in combat, where your hit success depends on your skill and a random roll rather than perks like in Skyeim seems overly complex. I'd much, much rather play Skyrim's system, or Oblivion's middle ground system, over those kinds of systems any day. Morrowind is still and excellent game, but it is no way better than Skyrim, at least not in that justification.


I won't doubt the "complexity" of skyrim's fight system. I love the perks (as in FO3) and i'd rather play a game where the system is both based on raised attributes\skills (oblivion\morrowind) and on perks for leveling (skyrim\fo3\fonv). What I mostly meant is that games today don't leave anything true to the player and maybe yes, I might be a bit nostalgic but i like to think that when I play a game im part of that world and in Skyrim for now I don't feel a thing, Beautiful game of course but without that kind of story complexity that got me sitting here for years while playing morrowind, daggerfall, gothic, oblivion, and even final fantasy, lol.

Skyrim lacks mostly in story and longevity rather than combat system, which for me is a good system btw.

Another thing that I dont like about skyrim is the "level" of gameplay. As said before by someone surely player would better like to play the game as normal and not restart\reload every 3 seconds for sure death, but aint that the difficulty level set by "normal\easy"? I'd like a skyrim where I can play as expert\master and actually feel like its incredibly hard since I decided it to be so. That is one more lack of skyrim, for the rest its a great game ofcourse!

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I do agree with the notion that Skyrim has weak characters. Tullius for one had an excellent voice actor, did some great work for ME2 and ME3, but if I had been him looking at the Skyrim lines I would have wanted a hefty pay-check by the end. No one seems fleshed out, Delphine, boring, Esbern, forgettable, Tolfdir? he was like a horrific mix between Ganadalf and Albus Dumbledore!


If that's your justification for it being better, then I 100% agree. Morrowind with Skyrim combat and I'd be all over it. I will say that although I need a good story in my game, a game could have a great story, but if I hate combat, like Morrowind, I wouldn't touch it. As such, it's gather dust on a shelf now...:(

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I get your feeling, It's a shame that people overlook top quality mods such as, as you say, quest mods, dungeon mods, and gameplay enhancements in favour of the mod types you mentioned. What I find the most agitating is the frequency with which Peverted Mods, character enhancements and other peripheral crap is featured on the hot list. I know this is slightly off topic but I sometimes hesitate to call myself a gamer lest I be stereotyped as a pevert, who spends his days looking at animated cleavage. And the lore breaking mods? Don't even get me started!


OMG yes! I was starting to wonder if I was the only one who felt this way. Don't get me wrong, I love looking at an attractive female, but not so much that I need to spend hours with it in my video game.


I was reading the CBBBE vs. UNP (don't even know what UNP is, haven't found the actual mod, just compatible mods on nexus) thread and there were people critiquing the fine points of the female body in the thread and judging which was more realistic? Realistic? I don't think I've seen more than 5 women in my life that looked like that, and that was only in pictures. Maybe the ones that walk out of the plastic surgeon's office. It's kinda appalling on some level.


To be honest, it's all fueled by that MMOXREVIEW guy on YouTube who is, although a good review obsessed with lighting and armour/weapon mods and, of course, perverted mods!


I know exactly who you are talking about and at first I thought his videos were cool, but after a while just listening to his nasally voice and constant strings of new age slang it's really getting old. It became obvious after a few videos that he didn't ever really PLAY skyrim, he just did the modding thing. Because he didn't even know what mammoth cheese was, or how there was flammable liquid in the game. I'm not even sure how he even started in this genre, because he didn't know what Slave Leia was, and couldn't pronounce Wyrm properly. (although he regularly butchers pronunciation)


The production quality of his videos is excellent and its nice to see new mods in videos, but his voice is horrible and his selection questionable.


It also became obvious that he's going to cater to these same peripheral mods that you're mentioning.. armors, player homes... what I call useless junk. I don't know why people need a huge player home with 1000 containers and mannequins, etc. All of these things seem cool at first, but they get old after the first several hours and then at that point I would get tired of navigating through 17 rooms to find my chest where I left my ironhand gauntlets.


I remember in one episode, he was so busy covering all these garbage mods that he hardly had a blurb about the Elswyr mod that he kept showing in the background. I was thinking.. man that place has so much cool stuff, the whole video should be about it!


Unfortunately... I started out with the PS3 version of Skyrim and only recently got the PC version to work (had to upgrade my video card :( ) so I spent a lot of time on a certain PS3 board and this is the same stuff they cater to all the time. Whenever someone posts a topic about what they want in a DLC, you can bet you're going to see a whole slew of stuff from the D.I.C.E. video, and a bunch of requests for mods and console commands.


I just don't get it. Mods to me are very overrated because the quality ones are so hard to find. I'm not saying there aren't some talented artists out there making some awesome armors, but if all I have to do is go get them out of a chest in Solitude, I'm gonna get real bored with that, real quick. The D.I.C.E. stuff was flashy, but I couldn't see too many of things things holding my attention for more than an hour or two.


I guess it's just all part of this instant gratification lifestyle that's becoming more prominent where you grab the newest flashy thing and move on to the next.


I thought I'd get flamed for that comment! You, sir, you have made my day!


I agree completely about MMOXREVIEW, and I think what you said about him not knowing the game is blatantly obvious. He sometimes forgets place names, really memorable places like Markarth, Dragonsreach etc. I bet if you asked him who Alduin was he'd say'....er...a peverted modder?'

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I agree with much of what everyone is saying... both sides of the coin. While Hot Files are user-defined by popularity, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy - once you get a mod on the Hot Files marquis, everyone downloads it... which means it's an even HOTTER file (so to speak); this goes on until everyone and their siblings have downloaded it then moved on - oftentimes over a week later. But I agree with those who would stifle derision against tex-replacers/etc... even though I agree with them whole-heartedly; people like what they like, and similar examples are found throughout the real-world (such as political elections.. tell me THAT isn't a popularity contest, as opposed to merit/worthiness). To remove popular opinion because a minority doesn't agree, assassinates the spirit of community and all that garbage.


While I'm not against the popularity system, I think it could be better distributed or limited... here's some suggestions I'D make:


- I'm sick of seeing the same stuff on Hot Files, perhaps it can limit the number of days it's up there.. so as to give OTHER mods a chance at publicity. (maybe 3 or 5 days? no more than a week though.. I think they currently time out after 2 weeks, but I'm not sure)


- Instead of a static marquis bar of mod images, perhaps those images could slide over periodically (like the main feature's image does).. allowing for more than just 5-6 mods to be "hot". I thought this or Obliv's Nex used to do this.. (maybe stretch this to 10 mods? five displayed at a time, rotating every several seconds)


- The categorized hot-files is a good idea... instead of the 5-6 most popular mods period, have the most popular house, most- weapon, most- tweak, etc... that way all genres of mods are represented. THEN you could click the category's NAME, to view a listing of the 'runners-up' (similar to the current categories, but by endorsements/dls instead of the default upload date - and I KNOW one can already re-sort the categories, but I'm talking about a one-click alternative off the home page, not having to go through drama every time you check the site)


*** I think there should be a 'recently updated' hot files marquis as well. Since I uploaded the early beta version of a mod several months ago... now that I've gotten it to work, noone but those who have followed it intently knows that it's there/finished. I actually experience this with TWO mods (shameless self-promotion heheh):


Gokstad Sailable Ship & Portable Player Home



Overlook Tower Player Home



Don't you think more than a hundred people would have downloaded my real-time sailing ship if it were listed on the New Files marquis? But since it isn't NEW per se, it remains at the very BOTTOM of the default listing (as do MOST of my mods, since many were the first of their categories to be uploaded). That's why I suggest the 'newly updated' marquis... I thought this Nex or Obliv's HAD this feature; did they remove it or is it my imagination? Also, a couple VERY popular player homes have been buggier than week-old roadkill; yet ones that work well may get lost in the shuffle - even though they run perfectly and may have more features/etc... this could have been avoided if the Hot Files system were revised.. probably would've saved tons of people from destroying their saveGames too. I'm not one for popularity contests or 5 million dls, and I couldn't really care less about endorsements; I'd just like to see people enjoying my mods, especially the ones which took so much effort to make. Oh well.. nuff said.

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Oblivion has it's perks (lol) over Skyrim, for sure though. I still personally *hate* the default Skyrim Menus. Oblivion had them much faster to navigate with condensed information. That and being able to preview your appearance without exiting menu and switching to 3rd person view. Also Oblivion had much better Guild quests. Or at least, more varied. Guild quests in Skyrim were extremely short and disappointing. Downsides? The open world is boring and the main quest line is yawn inducing with drab, redundant Oblivion zones. Combat is better in Skyrim but not by much (Same basic stuff, just more interesting dual wielding things).


Still I agree it would be hard to try Oblivion after playing Skyrim first. Still I highly suggest at least trying the Guild quests and such. They are a lot of fun.


What you see as condensed information, I see as cluttered. I can't stand navigating through Oblivion's one window menu setup. The map is squeezed into a tiny little menu that I have to use the old click and drag to operate.


I remember reading an article when I was just using PS3 Skyrim about PC players complaining about Skyrim's UI. One of the things they mentioned was how items are displayed very largely and they considered it a waste of space. Oblivion's whole menu is a waste of space to me. Why is it in a tiny window with a huge picture of your player when you're equipping items?


I suppose I should mention I'm not a traditional PC player. I happen to like using a gamepad. I like having my game PC hooked up to my 46" HDTV and having a wireless keyboard and mouse instead of sitting at a desk. Sitting at a desk and using a computer is when you need 100 percent focus and you're working on something. But even back when doom was at the height of popularity I still used keyboard exclusively and not mouse. Using a mouse as a camera operator has NEVER clicked for me, and the idea that this should keep me from being able to enjoy a game when there are alternatives is just stupid.


I can't argue with you that Oblivion's quests aren't better because quite honestly I haven't been able to get into the game long enough to check out any of the quests. People can say what they want about the game holding your hand, but Skyrim's opening and tutorial dungeon really guides you through getting started and the quest objectives menu really lets you know what you're supposed to do. Oblivion guides you right to Kvatch and the Oblivion gate before you're really 100% comfortable with the game.


Just my 2 cents. Maybe when I finally try Morrowind I might change my mind and maybe Oblivion is just the problem (It definitely has the worst character models, IMO. A total step backwards from Morrowind)

Edited by Stemin
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I agree with much of what everyone is saying... both sides of the coin. While Hot Files are user-defined by popularity, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy - once you get a mod on the Hot Files marquis, everyone downloads it... which means it's an even HOTTER file (so to speak); this goes on until everyone and their siblings have downloaded it then moved on - oftentimes over a week later.


I think your statement above is very well said. I don't really ever rely on the front page to tell me what I need to be looking at, but I know many people will, and no doubt that contributes to the popularity of certain mods, and perhaps in the long run effects what modders want to work on.


I can't help but wonder if there isn't a place for some type of random setup where a new mod is picked to be put on the front page ever week or every 2 weeks, and by a new mod, I mean picking one either at random or based on some criteria that has never been on the front page.

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@Stemin : You should definetly give it a tryout since someone made a HD PACK for Morrowind adding a lot of stuff and making it look hell beautiful with new LOD, textures, trees, combat enchancments etc.. By fact, the pack you are looking for you ever gonna try it is MORROWIND 2011. Try it out! :D
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