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Character levelling mod that works well with OOO?


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I've installed OOO and love the changes I've seen so far.


However, I'm not a real big fan of the stock Oblivion character leveling procedure - I don't want to have to be focusing on leveling exactly the right combination of major and minor skills in order to get the best out of my attributes.


I'm looking into mods that change how you level, making it more immersive or streamlined. I have heard of AF, and I downloaded and tried KCAS, which was completely overwhelming in the amount of options it had :blink: Plus I couldn't really figure out how it worked..apparently your attributes raise when you level a major skill?


Anyway, a big part of why I got OOO was to make the game 'harder' (esp at low levels) and I don't want to wind up with a levelling mod that just pumps up my attributes to ridiculous levels and undoes the work of OOO.


So, what are some peoples opinions on this matter?

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Hi Ulstan,


I'm using Kobu's character advacement mod and FCOM, (OOO,MMM & Warcry)


I was using CDM-CGO with Legendary mastery and train past 100, that was also very cool, as CDM-CGO lets you level past 100, which Kobu's doesn't. What Kobu's does however, is give you skill and attribute bonuses past 100.... which CDM-CGO doesn't...


Well that's my understanding.


Either are great, so really it's a personal choice. I don;t believe either will invalidate your saved games, so load and try. Also, both include skip intro esps. so if you want to start a new character, it's not painful.



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