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Spawning + cleanup question


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Two questions:

1) can you 'spawn' creature ambush packins ?


2) what is a good way to handle cleaning these up once the enemies have been killed and the underlying pieces don't need to hang around ?



Just to give you an idea of what I'm working on, a component of my mod will randomize creature encounters. The basic idea is to take a selection of areas I'm working on, sprinkle some x markers at appropriate spots, and then to randomly, and over time, spawn creatures at a given x marker. What I don't want, however, is for these to re-spawn (the normal way cleanup is done, I guess) OR to simply build up. Once they've been triggered, the enemies killed, I'd like for the enemy I've spawned and related items (triggers, markers) to be removed after some period (or at least while player is not in the vicinity).

Edited by csbx
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