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Will the Ck auto. fix errors in mods?


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ok, did that, but it would not let me save a new pull down item, but I was able to see what was current, but fount out the answer to if it would break the mod, if I let the CK do what ever it said it would fix.

Unfortunately it did do so, but since it's only two mods, with an added bonus of not updating one correctly.

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Sorry, I just think I don't fully understand what you want to say. The CK allows to create multiple layouts. You don't need to save the plugin for it. Layouts are not attached to any loaed files. They are just ists of settings to filter warnings. Once created, a new layout can be used for any loaded file. Can't tell anything about fixing errors. It's useful when you understand what you do. But you are free to experiment. If something goes wrong, you can always reinstall the mod and load some older save.

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Not everyone has this issue, but using Unique NPC's, and Better Settlers, which both edit almost every NPC in the game. I get a 3 to 5 second lag spike when I get near new encounter's, or settlements, due to the mod's need of adjusting the NPC's.

I am trying to reduce, or eliminate the issue. But I am thinking this is something I have to live with.

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I looked at the mods and they both need some other mods to work properly. Loading them in the CK without other required mods can break links and create errors.

Also the CK does not allow to use .esp files as masters. If a mod uses another mod as a master , the CK will delete it, which also can lead to broken links and some other problems.


The issue you described might be related to some built-in mechanics FO4Edit is missing. The CK generates new FaceGen textures and meshes for all new npc traits in the esp. Unfortunately, these files are heavy so having lots of them can increase your mod size to hundreds of MB. I guess it creates these files for a reason, and with these textures and meshes the game does not need to generate and calculate NPC look each time you load the area. FO4Edit can't generate textures and meshes, but it allows to use other .esp files as master files. This might be the reason these mods were made in FO4Edit.

Edited by kitcat81
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