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Anyone up for something easy?


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Hi. perhaps I've posted this in the wrong place but I figured I would give it a go.

I'm looking for a mod that fixes one thing and one thing only. This has to do with Serena's Hood....... WAIT WAIT please don't go just yet. I know there are already like 5 mods that do that but listen. Most of them incorporate the USLEEP fixes or go about changing her hood's behaviour. Skyrim's bugs are part of the experience, and I don't want to lose them. And if I'm being honest I'm ok with her vanilla hood behaviour. the only thing I would like to see fixed if possible is making the game stop giving her a new hood everytime she chooses to put it on. I don't want it to force her to wear the given equipment I don't want her to stop using the hood. I just want the game to stop making hundreds of Serena's hood.

Perhaps this could be made for the legendary edition? However, I'll leave it up to you if you want to make a special edition version as well.

This would be HUGELY appreciated if anything like this is possible. If it's too much hassle pm me maybe we could work out a deal of some kind of compensation.

Thanks in advance.

(Oh by the way I'm kind of new to the forum. Sorry! If I did something wrong please let me know.)

EDIT: making the item weight of the hood 0 should work if that's modifiable.

Edited by Guest
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