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Am I the only one that thinks the Bethesda Developers could have done a way better job making the G.E.C.K.?


For the 3rd time now that worthless program has either corrupted or erased my plugin. After I get a few months of work done.


And, yes I have done a lot of research as to why it does this. I got nothing. I am even using the GECK powerup.


Anyone know why I keep having this problem? If not, then Bethesda is gonna lose a very big fan of the Fallout Universe!

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Where is your game installed?

If it's under program files, which is the default steam directory, that is probably the problem, not the geck itself (thouh it could use work, sure, but it's free so what do you want).

Google or search this forum for UAC for more info.

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The problem is that everything is deleted in the GECK, but it all still shows up in the game when I have the plugin checked.


I have checked several times to make sure I have selected my plugin in the GECK, and made it the active file.


I do have the game installed in the steam directory (not in program files). this is my directory: C:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas


I have also had my UAC disabled for quite a while. My virus protection and internet connection are routed through my home server first. (no need for UAC)


I will still research more into UAC though. If you have any other ideas, I am open to any suggestions.


EDIT: that same directory is where my GECK is installed along with geckpu-nv-14.exe (GECK powerup)

Edited by rotarydanimal
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