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Companions won't follow after crash and can't increase the renderdistance


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I couldn't find a subforum for Skyrim SE so I'll just ask here:

I installed a companion-mod and vecause of lazyness (and stupidness) I pressed the power button of my pc while Skyrim SE was running with mods instead of properly closing it. After this SSE needed to be reinstalled and now the game thinks I have a companion following but there is nobody and the modded companion sits where you first meet her. When I try getting someobe to follow me they just that it looks like there is already someone doing that so I effectivly can't use companions. Can someone help me with that?

My other question is how to increase the renderdistance and could mods stop initweaks from working? I already tried ulargereflodgridsize = 21 but it doesn't do anything. Even on ultra settings 50-meter-away trees look like a flat mash of green something. It really completely kills of the immersion when ever I look into the far. Any ideas?

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