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Dual cast combine Different types of magic.


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The title pretty much explains it. (ex. electricly charge a frost bolt, reanimate a corpse and set it on fire so it burns any enemy it touches, elemental based charges on objects when trown with telekenisis, a fire ball that explodes and freezes enemies caught in the blast.) Basically I want to see mix and match magics that have special abilities when similtanously casted. there's so many possiblilities for cool spells effects out there with this idea


If this already exsists and I just havent found it post a link, If not Can any of our very talented skyrim modders give this idea a whirl.


I demand nothing, but have high expections. But only because we have awesome modders.

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I've actually looked into this awhile ago but couldn't find anything about dual casting in the CK, or at least nothing that would allow me to go down this path. Maybe it can be done with a lot of scripts? I'm not sure. It almost gave me the hunch that it was left out on purpose as a DLC feature, but thats probably just stupid of me.
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