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Enhanced Gamplay Ideas


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I love Skyrim but a lot of things are missing that I think would help improve it. So I am making a list of possible mod Ideas.


1) Being able to sprint and jump at the same time, and being able to attack in mid-air (This includes crouching as well, as being able to these thing would allow for a better assassin-type character).


2) Dual sheathed weapons can both be visible. Dual swords would be placed on the players back (crisscross or parallel would be up to the mod maker). Daggers, maces, and axes would be sheathed on their respectively equipped side and unsheathed by that side's respective hand (i.e. left side, left hand; right side, right hand). Daggers when unsheathed would flip pointing up in the same manor as it flips pointing down during a power attack.


3) My next idea is a complete re-working of the smithing perk tree. Plate armor belongs on the heavy side of the anvil, and daedric armor should require a higher smithing level than dragon since it is better. Three perk will make up the 'hammer' portion of the tree and would consist of dragon, daedric, and the new daedric dragon. The 'hammer' perk will have unique light and heavy armors. Daedric artifacts would placed under the daedric smithing perk. Also the should be more armor variation (i.e. different styles of the styles of the same armor). And also, something to think about would be custom armor from the other races such as Argonians, Khajiits, Dunmer, and Bosmer (Khajiit would probably be light armor 40; Dunmer and Bosmer would go under elven).


perk levels are as follows:


Daedric Dragon: 100


Daedric: 90


Dragon: 80


Ebony: 70


Glass: 70


Orcish: 60


Arcane: 60


Plate: 50


Advanced: 50


Dwarven: 30


Elven: 30


Steel: 20


4) A redesign of all the armors to look more 'sexy'. And NO, I do not mean more revealing. Armor does not have to be revealing to be sexy, and it should always be practical. In fact, most of the 'revealing' armors on nexus I find to be very unattractive. Some example of what I mean by sexy:









hmm... can't find many examples...


Two exceptions to this rule I guess would be:









5) Being able to place items on essential NPCs, and if they don't have any thing else on they will automatically equip it. That way it's not game-breaking.


6) A quest to obtain a dragon egg that eventually hatches. The dragon will fight by your side and grow with passing time. Eventually he will be big enough to ride but will be unable to accompany you into city, building and caves.


7) It's hard to keep track of different character, especially since quick saves and auto saves overwrite each other. There should be a main menu option to select your character, and when you play as that character you won't be able to overwrite the other characters' saves.


8) And lastly, like every one else, I am waiting for the new content that Bethesda spoiled to be made into DLC and for them to make expansion packs to explore the rest of Tamriel (possibly the rest of Nirn).

Edited by Joseph17Prophet
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