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Idiots guide to repathing meshes to textures, and using Nifscope or Blender


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Hello, I am very new at modding and am in the generation that grew up before computers. I know an abacus really well . . . computers, not so much but I'm learning and working to understand the vocabulary and functions in this medium.

Issue #1: I have been trying to learn how to create a stand alone follower with a custom body. I am following a tutorial by "MightyNine" (and have followed a tutorial by Natalde sp?) but am stumped by how to "Repath each mesh to point at the textures provided." (#5 of MightyNine's tutorial). I have my separate texture mesh files in the game, but I cannot create the pathway in the creation kit - I don't understand what I am missing in accomplishing this step. My custom body is not showing up in the game.

Issue #2: I have read tutorials and viewed YouTube videos on the use of both Nifscope and blender and I am not picking up the flow of information. There seems to be implied knowledge that the viewer already knows that leaves me in the dark and lost in understanding the tutorials. For example and my immediate problem, I want to get all the information that is in my j.son file into my esp file, but I am only able to get the head there.


Anyone with patience and willingness to teach me what I lack in understanding would be so very appreciate. Please do not point me to other tutorials - I've read most if not all of them. FYI - I suck at typing.


Thank you for you reading this far.


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