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Import FBX/HKX into Fallout 4?


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I've been following the tutorial here: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Animation_In_Fallout_4

to learn how to import animations into Fallout 4. It seems some of the instructions are missing or I missed them. I'm not sure which file format HKX/FBX is accepted by fallout 4, or how to import them. Does anyone know the appropriate file format / how to import it into the creation kit?


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Hkt files are xml formatted multi-platform havok animation files which cannot be read by fo4 - it needs to be 64 bit (binary packed) hkx files, specifically the versions made with hct 2014.1 r1 64 bit, which is a plugin for 3ds max 13-15. Fbx is only used as a means to transfer animations to 3ds max for editing since max cannot open hkx files directly. It can, however, export animations to the correct hkx version provided you have said plugin. It can also convert 64 bit hkx files to 32 bit, which can then be converted to fbx using something like hkxpack, which in turn may be opened in 3ds max. The process is convoluted and you need very specific tools and versions of them, which is one of the reasons why mod animators for fo4 are far and apart.

You don't really import animations into the ck. You instead either create completely new subgraph templates or create additive subgraphs and override the animation search paths in order to make fo4 play custom animations instead of the default ones.

Fo4 uses a decentralized system where it reads a library of game events tied to animation files. These libraries are referred to as behavior files and share the same extension (hkx) as animation files (also hkx). Behavior files are found in the subgraph entries in the ck. An example of such entry is "HumanRaceSubGraphData" which holds subgraph entries for humanoids in fo4. When the game reads a behavior file, it gets a list of all the animations it needs to look for, and then proceeds to look for them in predetermined paths. You can influence where fo4 should look for these animations by setting up new paths or changing the existing ones in a custom subgraph.

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