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Questions regarding navmesh


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Hello, I am new to modding. I have gone through the creation kit tutorial at creationkit.com.


I have one question regarding navmesh. Is there any problem with creating super huge navmesh?


For example, I have a large hall, says its dimension is 5000x5000.


First way, I make four vertices and make a navmesh out of it.

Second way, I make 6x6 vertices point (1000 apart from each other) and make a navmesh.


Will I get the same result in the game? Or, which way is better?

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second way Gundam. I read somewhere larger navmeshes can be detrimental to npc ai. they need to "figure out" the route in advance and will go directly, even if there's a table in the way, if you don't cut round the table, they will walk forever trying to go through it, they dont see the table in the way.


If you don't have any objects in the way, make navmesh "routes" like an invisible road that a coherent individual would more than likely take irl and make the lanes "preferred" so any npc in that cell would not only walk across the hall, but use a specific route. also hit "cover" button, then "finalize"

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