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CTD when loading or starting a new game


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Having this same problem. I also don't have an appdata folder under users so I don't know what to do. A search for skyrim.esm on my computer brings up nothing


Edit: If I try loading Skyrim without skse I get the steam error "failed to start game, app already running"

Edited by joshnz1
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  • 3 months later...

If you are still experiencing a CTD or WETriggerScript error when loading a game after you do any of the following:

  • Change Load order via NMM
  • Check/Un-Check an .esp/.esm via NMM
  • Add/Remove a mod with a plugin (.esm/esp) via NMM

Nexus Mod Manager my be corrupting a file called "plugins.txt" by adding additional entries to it like "syrim.esm," and "Skyrim.esm." The file is located here: C:\Users\"user name"\AppData\Local\Skyrim (hidden file/folder). Keep in mind it will re-corrupt this file every time you make one of the changes listed above with NMM.


Visit this bug report and try some of the Moderator's suggestions. If you have experienced this issue with recent versions of NMM, please click "Confirm" While you are there. Good Luck.d luck.

Edited by dtooker
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Hey, just wanted to throw my rag in the ring here... I searched through my load order and plugins and was un able to find any double ref's to the dual esm files.. also check in mod mangr for them, none there... then i uninstalled "Dragon Slayers Estate" an Abode I had recently added.. appearantly "IT" ( the error) was attached via this mod.. just a note.. peace

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