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Why would anyone spellsword?


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I really want to make this work but it seems having a dagger in one hand and a spell in the other is outclassed in every way by just having duel cast and duel weapons on favorites. I use a bow for range and a dagger for close combat and stealth kills. A shield would look whack with a dagger and I really don't want to use 2 daggers but I cant find an alternative :( All the spells are either covered by my alchemy potions or are better off being duel cast. I wish switching during combat had more drawbacks. Any help appreciated
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A dagger and a Dwarven Shield is bad but daggers and light shields are fine.


Most assassins not including Ezio and Ninjas only used a single blade. The offhand was kept free so as to feel around in the dark.


Noone wants to stumble at a critical moment with both hands full


Also it depends which spell is being used in the offhand. If it's a tactical spell it will work much better than if its a damage spell spell

Edited by worldofscotty
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Trying to avoid duel wielding or shield. I'm looking for a good spell that synergizes well with daggers to use the off hand (no advantages to leaving it free) and make use of my magic bar. A spell that alchemy can't replace
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I'm always having a blast as spellsword, I run around with a bound sword in mainhand and fire/frost/shock/conjure/alteration spell in offhand :P


Conjuration lvls like a blast when you cast it in combat, so you can easily get the Bound Sword > 2x dmg > Soultrap > Banish-branch in that tree. Next, I usually fire a firebolt or ice spike from afar from mainhand, then summon an atronach (also mainhand), switch to bound sword and have a random spell in offhand :)


Don't forget to wear light armor for maneuverablility!

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Be flexible and don't get into a rut. What spell you equip in your off-hand should reflect the situation.


If you're fighting a mage who gets in pretty close, then you may want a ward. If you have opponents off in the distance who are sniping at you while someone is toe-to-toe with you and intent upon removing your head from your shoulders you might want to have a missile-type spell to use. If you're up against a particularly tough opponent it might not be a bad idea to equip a healing spell. I've even used the sword / conjure option to keep my opponent's attention divided between me and my familiar/atronach/whatever.


One good tactic I've found is to use a simple flames or frostbite spell. Hack with your sword and then backpedal, while your opponent advances on you, spray him with your spell until you deplete your magicka and then back to hacking with your sword until your magicka pool is refreshed.


Regarding the use of daggers, I don't see the point unless you have a very good dagger. The extra reach of a sword means you can hit your opponent from farther away. Daggers offset this partially by being faster than swords, although the Ebony Dagger is bugged and doesn't have the speed of other daggers in the game (it's only a speed of 1.0, vs. 1.3 for the others).


I think the key to success as a spellsword is to be able to dish out as much damage as quickly as you can using whatever means are at your disposal. That means concentrating upon destruction magic and possibly conjuration to complement your melee weapon. The more ways you have of hurting your enemy the greater the chance that he'll go down before you will.

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I used to spellsword in most RPGs, but I'd never go back to that now. At any given time you can only deal 1/2 damage since you've distributed your skills over a wider area. Having said that, the versatility of dealing moderate damage in both melee, and then spells at range, is an appealing option to many people. It makes you more able to fight a wider range of enemies with a consistent playstyle, though at any given time you're also at a slight disadvantage.
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Hmm, I don't agee on your "since you've distributed your skills over a wider area", Rennn. As a spellsword I always go for these (main):


- one-handed

- light armor

- destruction

- conjuration


Pretty tight, eh? My minor skills usually are smithing, enchanting and alteration. I only give them thought when stuff needs improvement, or when I feel like I could use an extra layer of defense :)

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