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Skyrim under performing?


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Firstly I am very new to PC gaming and am still trying to work everything out but I feel that Skyrim is under performing on my system. I am running 'Windows 7 64bit' on a bootcamped iMac and my specs are:


2.5GHz quad-core i5-2400S


AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512mb


I know that its a long way of top of the range but I expect to be able to get Medium/High graphics with little lag and stuttering. However I have to run the game with everything on low, AA off, Anisotropic Filtering 4x with medium textures to get a fairly stable experience. I'm pretty sure I should be able to get most things on medium with textures high and the game still be stable with a small amount of stuttering here and there. When I play Oblivion and Fallout 3 I can run both on the 'Ultra' Preset with AA and shadows lowered slightly and I get a stable experience with rare fps drops and stuttering.

Also I am very clueless when it comes to drivers so I haven't downloaded any.


Thanks in advance for any help.

Edited by whitseys
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