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Lydia not following anymore...


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I have a weird problem...

My installation is :




Follower Trap safety

Better Followers Dialogue

Horses for followers





Auto Unequip Helmet

Realistic Lighting

Better dynamic snow

Narueal Skyrim Rain

Conveninet Horses

Bette Followers SBNP

Better NPX Faction pack


All updated to latest versions...


All worked perfectly for some days ( real Life time I mean ), then, today, I told in the Candle Heart to my followers ( 5 followers ) to relax for few time, while I was wandering Windhelm, went to sleep ( in the game ) and the next morning told all of them 'let's go'...

All of them accepted to leave as usual, also Lydia accepts, but, she remains there, hearing music, and not following me anymore, even if I exit the Candle Heart... all other followers follow me, but not she anymore... I have let them relax few times previously, and never happened this, I also dismissed her, she remains there, and even later I told here 'I need your help', she as usual say 'let's go'... but remains there... I tried a lot of Dialogue combinations... she accepts, but remains there...


Any advice...? Do i have a MOD conflict anywhere...? Any Fix...?


Thanks for any Help



Edited by AlexRed
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  • 3 months later...

I have the same problem after I tld her to stay there with my 5 Temptress companins. I have killed her, waited, send her somewhere else - nothing helps. She answers OK but does nothing. Any ideas?


Thanks for any hints


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