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Multiple requests...


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I have a wide variety of mod ideas, and I figured that rather than clutter the forum with a thread for each, I'll just list them here, and modders can pick and choose which ones they want to do, if they want to do them at all.


1. Horn removal. The one thing that irks me the most in vanilla Skyrim, is horned helmets. I know the Nords love their horns, just as much as the real vikings, but IMO, horny helmets just look stupid. It's not intimidating, it makes the helm awkward, and it's just not practical for anything but getting your helm knocked off.


2. New Hairstyles. I would like to see a variety of new medieval hairstyles, specifically, The Norman, The Lady, Tied Back, The Princess, Curly, The Bowl Cut, The Tonsure, The Stark. More if you wish, but those are the main.


3. New clothing. The clothing variety is surprisingly poor, both vanilla and custom. I would like to provide a few references for new clothing. Nordic Peasant, More Nordic Peasants, Keyhole Tunic, Imperial Clothing, Prince.


4. Working castle for every villiage. Within about 15-30 in-game minute's walk from each villiage there should be a full, working castle, with guards and a Thane. When the player becomes Thane of a hold, he's granted one of these castles (Whiterun grants the Rorikstead Castle, etc.). When the Empire or the Stormcloaks conquer a castle, the Thane is replaced with a thane of their faction, and the guards change, just like in the basegame towns. Perhaps an option for no change, as well.


5. Expanded guard armor. Rather than everything be the same outfit recolored for the different factions, how about we have four different armor types, Levy, Light Guard, Heavy Guard, and Thane. Levy would be little more than padded shirts. Light guard would be a mix between Mel Gibson's Lamellar armor from Braveheart and the existing guard armors. Heavy would be chainmail with a tabbard draped over it, with the emblem of the city it's with on the front. Thane would be, basically, the light Iron Armor deorated with the symbols of the knight's house, with the symbol of his city in the center.


6. Better children. I'm not talking just new faces to allow for customization, I'm also talking add in new varieties. One mesh for infants, one for 3-6 year olds, one for 7-10 year olds (Basically what we have now), one for 11-14, and one for 15-18. And allow the 11-14 and the 15-18 ones to be playable. Anyone of the age of 15 and up are marriagable, and some in the 11-14 range are lords in their own right. Jarl Balgruf's (SP?) kids would have one in the 15-18 range and the other in the 11-14 range.


And more. I'll update with more ideas when I have the time.

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